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French professor abducted, thrown in psych ward for questioning COVID-19 vaccines

French professor abducted, thrown in psych ward for questioning COVID

A pack of French law enforcement “gendarmes” operating under military command arrested and imprisoned a retired university professor the other day for questioning the safety and effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

Jean-Bernard Fourtillan,” known for his opposition to “coof” jabs, was forcibly removed from his temporary home in the south of France and put into solitary confinement at a psychiatric hospital in Uzès, all because he does not trust the COVID-19 vaccines that are being imposed on the masses.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from Natural News)

Fourtillan had his mobile phones taken from him, preventing him from communicating with the outside world. He is now stuck in total isolation for the “crime” of contradicting the official narrative surrounding the plandemic and its alleged “cure.”

“The systematic use of psychiatric hospitals in order to silence or punish political opponents became widespread under communism, having started shortly after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917,” warns Jeanne Smith, the Paris correspondent for LifeSiteNews, about this chilling development.

“The method developed under Stalin and then expanded as opposition to the ‘socialist paradise’ came to be considered a sign of mental illness. Under the 1966 penal code of the USSR, repression of dissidents openly targeted those who ‘spread false propaganda defaming the Soviet State and its social system.'”

There are many legitimate questions about COVID-19 that health authorities and government agencies refuse (or are unable?) to answer, and simply asking them does not render one as “mentally ill.” To learn more, visit

Institut Pasteur filed patent for SARS-CoV-2 in 2011, proving this is all a plandemic

For many years, Fourtillan has been voicing concerns about childhood vaccines that contain deadly adjuvants such as mercury, which is linked to causing autism and other forms of neurological damage.

The 11 compulsory vaccines for newborns that are administered in France also reportedly contain 17 times the maximum dose of aluminum, which is likewise defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a neurotoxin that can cause permanent health damage.

Fourtillan also questions the official narrative surrounding COVID-19, including from where it came. He has accused France’s Institut Pasteur of “fabricat[ing]” the SARS-CoV-2 virus over the course of several decades, as well as facilitating its “escape” from the level-four biolab in Wuhan, China.

An agreement signed between France and China back in 2004 greased the wheels for something of a Chinese takeover of France’s health policies once COVID-19 made its appearance. French leader Yves Lévy, who is also co-president of the Wuhan Institute of Virology‘s steering committee, used it to sign a decree back in January 2020 banning over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine throughout France.

Responding to the allegations, Institut Pasteur threatened to sue Fourtillan, though Fourtillan himself has since filed his own formal complaint against the institution for “libel and lies that are prejudicial to the peoples of the world.”

Fourtillan has already analyzed and made public patents for SARS-CoV-1, which contains portions of the malaria virus. These patents were used to create various vaccines. In 2011, Institut Pasteur apparently filed another patent application for “SARS-CoV-2,” which was identical to the first one, according to Fourtillan.

This was done, he says, because commercial exploitation of the first patent started in 2003 and was set to expire 20 years later in 2023. Fourtillan further claims that four sequences of the HIV virus were added to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, again for the purpose of creating more new vaccines.

Prof. Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for his discovery of HIV, agrees that SARS-CoV-2 exists because of human manipulation. He was initially ridiculed by the mainstream media, but has since been vindicated as telling the truth.

Sources for this article include:

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