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THE PROOF: Many aborted babies are used in vaccine creation
03.02.2021, 21:00
THE PROOF: Many aborted babies are used in vaccine creation
Remember that blockbuster interview with vaccine researcher Pamela Acker who told us about the reality of abortion-tainted vaccines? Click here to watch it if you don’t remember.
Skaityk toliau
What happened to “flu season?” In the age of COVID, “the flu” has been
03.02.2021, 19:02
What happened to “flu season?” In the age of COVID, “the flu” has been reclassified as coronavirus, says epidemiologist
A few months ago, some infectious disease experts began warning that it would extremely difficult, as the COVID-19 pandemic lingered into the fall, for frontline healthcare providers to determine if sickness was due to the novel coronavirus or good, old-fashioned influenza.
Skaityk toliau
Psychological manipulation: Media says rich people are cutting ahead o
02.02.2021, 23:23
Psychological manipulation: Media says rich people are cutting ahead of you to get coronavirus vaccines
Another report has surfaced to suggest that society’s high rollers are trying to get Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines before everybody else, the idea being to generate more demand for the unwanted jab.
Skaityk toliau
Gunpoint medicine: FEMA asks Pentagon to enforce coronavirus vaccinati
02.02.2021, 23:10
Gunpoint medicine: FEMA asks Pentagon to enforce coronavirus vaccination efforts, with soldiers being armed with needles

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has asked the Department of Defense (DoD) to help enforce Wuhan coronavirus vaccination efforts. The top Pentagon spokesman announced Jan. 24 that it had received a request from FEMA to assist in administering COVID-19 vaccine doses. FEMA’s request for backup came in line with President Joe Biden’s goal to administer 1.5 million coronavirus vaccine shots daily.

Skaityk toliau
IT’S A SCAM: Communist China is collecting American DNA through corona
02.02.2021, 22:57
IT’S A SCAM: Communist China is collecting American DNA through coronavirus testing
United States intelligence officials have revealed that mass testing for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has nothing to do with saving lives, and everything to do with allowing communist China to covertly harvest the DNA of Americans.
Skaityk toliau
MEDICAL CANNIBALISM: Aborted fetal tissue is routinely used in coronav
02.02.2021, 22:48
MEDICAL CANNIBALISM: Aborted fetal tissue is routinely used in coronavirus vaccines to “code” spike proteins
LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen sat down with vaccine researcher Pamela Acker the other day to discuss the contents of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, not the least of which include ingredients derived from aborted human babies.
Skaityk toliau
WHO warns against administering Moderna coronavirus vaccine to pregnan
01.02.2021, 23:04
WHO warns against administering Moderna coronavirus vaccine to pregnant women
The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that pregnant women should not get Moderna’s Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. It issued the warning because of insufficient data proving that it was safe for pregnant women. The global health body’s pronouncement applied to more than three million expectant mothers in the U.S., who are at a higher risk of suffering from severe COVID-19.
Skaityk toliau
After 440,000 Americans reportedly died, mainstream media and Big Tech
01.02.2021, 22:36
After 440,000 Americans reportedly died, mainstream media and Big Tech finally admit hydroxychloroquine works

Now that it is way too late for the nearly half a million people in America who already died after testing positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Facebook, the American Journal of Medicine (AJM), and other Big Media and Big Tech outlets are suddenly coming clean about being dead wrong concerning the safety and effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

Skaityk toliau
CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are
01.02.2021, 22:20
CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”
Back in November, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) published a study that suggests Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with “tiny, star-shaped microdevices” capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent.
Skaityk toliau
Nolte: Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home massacre revealed as one more true
31.01.2021, 21:31
Nolte: Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home massacre revealed as one more true ‘conspiracy theory’
The latest revelations about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D-NY) nursing home massacre again proves  those of us the fake media label as “conspiracy theorists” almost always end up being right about everything…
Skaityk toliau
Cali. X-ray tech “excited” to get shot dies after receiving 2nd dose
30.01.2021, 22:54
Cali. X-ray tech “excited” to get shot dies after receiving 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
A California health care worker who was enthusiastic about the coronavirus vaccine died days after receiving the second dose.
Skaityk toliau
The UK government admits that covid vaccines are pointless and offer z
30.01.2021, 18:17
The UK government admits that covid vaccines are pointless and offer zero protection
The scientific consensus in early 2020 was one of coercion and fear, instructing humans everywhere to separate, lock down, mask up, follow lines on a floor, and contact trace until a vaccine was produced and plunged into everyone’s arms.
Skaityk toliau
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