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The UK government admits that covid vaccines are pointless and offer zero protection

The UK government admits that covid vaccines are pointless and offer z

The scientific consensus in early 2020 was one of coercion and fear, instructing humans everywhere to separate, lock down, mask up, follow lines on a floor, and contact trace until a vaccine was produced and plunged into everyone’s arms.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

Now that experimental vaccines are being rolled out and offered to the world population, public health authorities can’t seem to let go the control. Britain’s Health Secretary, Matt Hancock reprimanded everyone in the country to continue masking up and continue following lock down restrictions and contact tracing false imprisonment, even after vaccination.

“I want to reiterate an important point made by the Chief Medical Officers and the clinical advice that they have been giving: even if you’ve had the jab, the rules still apply,” Matt Hancock scolded a press conference in London.

Oppression knows no bounds: endless masking, lock downs and vaccines

The man behind the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, echoed Hancock, warning every vaccine recipient to continue masking up even after the second dose. He even said that two masks are better than one and recommends double masking, even after double vaccination.

Hancock said the first vaccine doesn’t protect anyone. He said it takes three weeks and a second dose before the body learns how to build immunity to coronavirus spike proteins. But he said masks will be required even after the second dose because “we still don’t know whether you will be able to pass coronavirus on to someone else,” he said.

The UK government is essentially admitting that covid-19 vaccines are pointless and offer zero protection. If a person can still get sick with covid-19 after vaccination and spread live viral particles through their sputum and aerosols, then the vaccines do not work. How many doses of the vaccine will be needed to demonstrate this?

England’s deputy chief medical officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, agreed with the assessment and warned all vaccine recipients to continue following lock down procedures and contact tracing even after the first two doses. Van-Tam admitted that “we do not yet know the impact of the vaccine on transmission of the virus.” Wait, weren’t the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines 95% efficacious? Why are public health officials worried about the greatest modern medical miracle in the history of the world?

“So even after you have had both doses of the vaccine you may still give COVID-19 to someone else and the chains of transmission will then continue,” Van-Tam warned. “If you change your behavior you could still be spreading the virus, keeping the number of cases high and putting others at risk who also need their vaccine but are further down the queue.”

Medical systems are broken around the world, promise more failure with pointless vaccines

The National Health Service (NHS) continues to dangerously put people on ventilators, bypassing proper immune therapy and ignoring the damage that ventilators are doing to infected persons. At the time of Hancock’s press briefing, 37,899 people were admitted to UK hospitals, with 4,076 people hooked to ventilators. Throughout the covid-19 crisis, the NHS has proven to be ill-equipped at providing antivirals and immune therapy to sick patients. This catastrophe has exposed the fragility of the modern medical system. This sobering reality is accompanied by clueless politicians and public health experts, whose lack of strategy to strengthen the population’s immunity through vigorous campaigns that promote and distribute immune-enhancing nutrients, antiviral phyto-chemicals, and antiviral prophylactic medications have only made the situation much worse.

Now, after coercing people to wait on vaccinations as the holy savior, health authorities around the world are warning that the vaccines are pointless and offer zero protection after all. When 2021 is through, the world will pine for the nostalgic devastation of 2020. If the vaccines do not “stop the spread” as previously promised — what’s the next level of control and fraud to be rolled out across the world?

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