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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » Medical Health » 2020 » Gruodžio » 18

Vin Gupta says getting vaccinated doesn’t stop infections or the spread of COVID-19, so what’s the point?

Vin Gupta says getting vaccinated doesn’t stop infections or the sprea

MSNBC medical analyst Vin Gupta really wants you to get a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, so much so that he pretended to get one himself during a recent fake news broadcast on cable television. Should you choose to comply, though, just know that you will still need to wear a mask and avoid traveling.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

This is Gupta’s message to Americans who are under the impression that getting vaccinated for COVID-19 will mean freedom and normal life. Not only will nothing actually change, he says, but the vaccine will not stop either infection or spread of the virus.

“Just because you get vaccinated after the second dose does not mean you should be traveling,” Gupta told Meet the Press, as well as his Twitter audience. “You could still get infected and pass it along to others.”

In other words, COVID-19 vaccines do a whole lot of nothing except increase your risk of death and serious side effects. Meanwhile, you will still need to wear a face book, treat other human beings like the walking plague, and go through the motions of plandemic compliance just the same as if you did not get vaccinated – pretty compelling, eh?

According to Gupta, we are still “in the middle of an out-of-control pandemic,” which means that nobody is “liberated from masks.”

“Everything still applies until all of us get the two-dose regimen,” he added, setting the stage for the next phase of the plandemic narrative that will inevitably blame vaccine refusers for things not returning back to normal. “We don’t think that’s going to happen until June, July. We don’t know if just getting the vaccination prevents serious illness, or does it also prevent you from getting infection entirely?”

Next to nothing is known about the questionable vaccines other than they were rushed into development and production as part of President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program for fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccines.

“Don’t let your guard down just because you got vaccinated,” Gupta further urged the blind goats who actually take medical advice from play-pretend television doctors.

To learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, be sure to check out

If COVID-19 vaccines don’t actually do anything beyond increasing one’s risk of death, why would anyone get jabbed?

Gupta must have missed the memo about the fact that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 is not actually real, because he is also hawking the idea that vaccinated people without any symptoms can still somehow spread the virus to others.

While so-called “experts” say that they have “reason to be hopeful” that COVID-19 vaccines will prevent people from spreading the virus, Gupta and others admit that this is just speculation. Nobody knows for sure what the vaccine will do, Gupta admits, but everyone should still go out and get it, he says.

Commenting on Gupta’s “guidance,” writer Noah Rothman wrote that telling vaccinated people to stay locked down and masked despite getting jabbed is likely to go over like a “cold soufflé.”

“Next to no one, at least those without comorbidities or at-risk loved ones, is going to get two shots of the vaccine and behave like it’s still 2020,” Rothman points out.

“If your public messaging strategy is to insist that people who have received two boosts should still distance, wear masks, and avoid social engagements, your messaging strategy is dumb.”

Trump-appointed Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) head Alex Azar agrees. He says people need to remain “vigilant” in obeying all of the suggestions made by the likes of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci so that “everyone who is here now [will] be here next year for the holiday season.”

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