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Big Pharma already developing COVID 2.0 vaccines for new “mutant” strain

Big Pharma already developing COVID 2.0 vaccines for new “mutant” stra

(Paranormal) The vaccine industry is already hard at work concocting the next wave of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, which will purportedly be used to fight a new “mutant” strain of the virus that officials claim is circulating in the United Kingdom.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

British drug giant AstraZeneca will soon release a jab that chief executive Pascal Soriot says is fully capable of warding off the newest strain of the China Virus. Calling it a “winning formula,” Soriot says the injection will be just as effective as those offered by rivals like Pfizer and Moderna.

As soon as this week, U.K. authorities are expected to approve the AstraZeneca shot, which was developed in partnership with scientists from the University of Oxford. The jab is supposedly 70 percent effective, though the true figure is only about 62 percent when considering the “dosing error” that occurred during clinical trials.

“We think we have figured out the winning formula and how to get efficacy that, after two doses, is up there with everybody else,” Soriot told the media, insisting that AstraZeneca’s WuFlu vaccine is just as effective as the rival vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna.

“I can’t tell you more because we will publish at some point,” he added mysteriously as an almost gimmick.

More than 600,000 people were already vaccinated with Pfizer’s jab before Christmas

By as soon as the first week of January, Brits could be getting shot up with chemical blends that AstraZeneca says will keep them protected against infection with the novel coronavirus, including the newest strain that is supposedly making the rounds.

“So far, we think the vaccine should remain effective,” Soriot believes. “But we can’t be sure, so we’re going to test that.”

This newest strain is said to be far more infectious than earlier strains, though this does not mean that it is more harmful. Still, AstraZeneca wants people to get jabbed for it, and millions of them will likely obey.

The alleged rapid spread of this new disease variant prompted Prime Minister Boris Johnson to lock down the country just before the holidays, with threats of fine or arrest for those who attempted to travel in violation.

Nearly half of Great Britain, or around 24 million people, were told to stay home in isolation over the Christmas holiday, and many of these same folks will also be barred from doing anything fun for New Year’s.

All “non-essential” stores are now closed in these regions, as are restaurants and pubs. The only “essential” activity that is allowed is getting food for takeout – no indoor dining or socializing allowed, says Johnson.

While most of the attention has been on the U.K., other countries are also now claiming that this new “mutant” strain of the China Flu has spread within their borders as well.

As of Dec. 24, public health officials say that more than 600,000 people have already received the first of two doses of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Many are starting to get Moderna’s vaccine as well, this one having been approved not long after Pfizer’s and just in time for the holidays.

“How many ‘we thinks’ and ‘we can’t be sures’ does this article need to contain before anyone with common sense would reject this outright?” asked one Headline USA commenter about Soriot’s repeated use of uncertain verbiage to describe the alleged effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“Any of these vaccines supposedly have an effective rate of 95 percent for a virus that has its own cure rate of 99.6 percent. Hmmm … what to do, what to do?”

The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found at

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