A new video from GNews would appear to show fake ballots being ordered from communist China just prior to the 2020 election, adding fuel to the fires of election fraud allegations.
Twitter has marked as “potentially sensitive content” a screenshot of Article 6 of the 2005 UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, which states that “medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned.”
The existence of two classified Pentagon reports on UFOs has been leaked online, the contents of which include a photo showing an ‘alien’ spacecraft hovering over the Atlantic ocean.
A European lawsuit has solidified the fact that the widely used PCR test for detecting the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is up to 97 percent unreliable – so basically useless.
Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 4th) has been published and is linked below. Note that thanks to the rapidly unfolding post-election situation in America, we will be publishing updates on both Saturday and Sunday, so check back for those.
The entire Murdoch family, including 89-year-old mogul Rupert Murdoch, secretly backed and ‘loved’ the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton before and during Donald Trump’s presidency.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has demanded a signature audit of ballots following claims of a ballot-stuffing operation in Fulton County on election night.
Labai džiaugiuosi, kad mano vaikai žuvį noriai valgo ir šį kartą jie pietums užsiprašė, kad iškepčiau. Aš su savo vyru taip pat labai mėgstame žuvį, todėl ta mintis labai patiko mums abiem. Tad nusprendžiau iškepti upėtakį orkaitėje.