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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Gruodžio » 19
Michigan GOP activist hit with bioterror charges for licking ballot en
19.12.2020, 11:20
Michigan GOP activist hit with bioterror charges for licking ballot envelope at a polling location on election day

A former Republican state representative candidate is being hit with bioterrorism charges for licking a ballot envelope at a voting precinct on election day.

Skaityk toliau
Navy patents suggest American military possesses alien technology
19.12.2020, 11:20
Navy patents suggest American military possesses alien technology
Internal emails recently obtained by The War Zone suggest that the United States Navy has in its possession exotic energy production technologies of potentially extraterrestrial origin.
Skaityk toliau
Petition asks President Trump to implement Insurrection Act to stop fr
19.12.2020, 11:20
Petition asks President Trump to implement Insurrection Act to stop fraudulent election results

A new petition on the official White House website is asking that the administration declare that an insurrection exists, calling for the establishment of a military tribunal to take over the country.

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Keptas Šokoladinis Tinginys Be Kondensuoto Pieno
19.12.2020, 11:20
Keptas šokoladinis tinginys be kondensuoto pieno
Tai visai nesunkiai pagaminamas ir nerealiai gardus tinginis, pagamintas be kondensuoto pieno. Tai yra visiškai neįprastas tinginukas, nes jis yra keptas, bet rezultatas pranoko visus iki tol gamintus. Trumpai tariant, Jūs pamėginkite, o aš esu tikra, kad įvertinimus paliksite tik pačius nuostabiausius.
Skaityk toliau
Salotos su silke ir keptais burokėliais
19.12.2020, 07:52
Salotos su silke ir keptais burokėliais

Mano mėgstamiausia žuvis - silkė, iškepti burokėliai ir labai gardus padažas, na ir kas galėtų būti geriau? Nebent dviguba porcija tokių silkės salotų. Mano pačiu didžiausiu atradimu yra tapęs keptas burokėlis, prie silkės.

Skaityk toliau
Andrew Yang Demands Barcodes to Identify People Who Have Been Vaccinat
19.12.2020, 08:18
Andrew Yang Demands Barcodes to Identify People Who Have Been Vaccinated
Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is calling for barcodes to be attached to people to prove if they have been vaccinated for COVID-19.
Skaityk toliau
Gowdy: Nasty Nancy Can’t Find a Single Democrat Who Didn’t Date a Chin
19.12.2020, 07:52
Gowdy: Nasty Nancy Can’t Find a Single Democrat Who Didn’t Date a Chinese Spy
Former House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after she kept Rep. Eric Swalwell on the House Intelligence Committee despite reports he was compromised by a Chinese Spy.
Skaityk toliau
Flynn Urges Trump to Deploy Military to Force Election ‘Rerun’: ‘It’s
19.12.2020, 07:52
Flynn Urges Trump to Deploy Military to Force Election ‘Rerun’: ‘It’s Not Unprecedented’

General Michael Flynn is urging President Trump to invoke martial law and deploy the military to force a “rerun” of the 2020 presidential election.

Skaityk toliau
Biden Transition Briefings Abruptly Halted By Pentagon
19.12.2020, 11:20
Biden Transition Briefings Abruptly Halted By Pentagon
The Pentagon has abruptly ordered a to halt to briefings to Joe Biden’s transition team.
Skaityk toliau
Democrat de Blasio Unveils Socialist Plan: “Our Mission Is to Redistri
19.12.2020, 07:52
Democrat de Blasio Unveils Socialist Plan: “Our Mission Is to Redistribute Wealth”
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio brazenly admitted on Friday that his plan is to enforce a socialist redistribution of wealth in the city.
Skaityk toliau
Keptuvėje troškinti mėsos kukuliai pomidorų padaže
19.12.2020, 07:52
Keptuvėje troškinti mėsos kukuliai pomidorų padaže
Labai sultingi mėsos kukuliai patroškinti, kuriems itin gerą skonį suteikia nuostabus pomidorų padažas. Patiekalą tikrai nėra sunku paruošti, tad pavyks net virtuvės naujokams!
Skaityk toliau
Salotos su briuseliniais kopūstais, obuoliais ir graikiniais riešutais
19.12.2020, 07:52
Salotos su briuseliniais kopūstais, obuoliais ir graikiniais riešutais

Tokios salotos tinka ne tik vegetarams ir briuselinių kopūstų gerbėjams, bet ir visiems, kurie nori lengvos ir tuo pačiu labai skanios vakarienės. Paprasta pasigaminti, o skonis nuostabus!

Skaityk toliau
Lašiša su petražolėmis ir aitriosiomis paprikomis
19.12.2020, 08:29
Lašiša su petražolėmis ir aitriosiomis paprikomis
Rekomenduoju išbandyti tokį orkaitėje keptos lašišos su kreminiu padažu receptą. Jeigu norisi, vietoje lašišos galite naudoti ir menkę, viskas puikiai pavyks. Šį patiekalą tikrai nėra sunku paruošti, bet jis taps tikra stalo puošmena. Ne tik skanu, bet ir labai gražu!
Skaityk toliau
Orkaitėje kepta žuvies filė tirštame padaže
19.12.2020, 11:20
Orkaitėje kepta žuvies filė tirštame padaže
Labai skani žuvis švelniame ir labai skaniame žolelių padaže su sultingomis citrinomis. Tai bus nuostabi vakarienė visiems žuvies mėgėjams ir ne tik! Valgė net mano vaikai, kurie ne itin mėgsta žuvį.
Skaityk toliau
Toxic chemical in car tires, not climate change, is killing off West C
19.12.2020, 08:29
Toxic chemical in car tires, not climate change, is killing off West Coast salmon
For decades, scientists noticed that salmon returning from the Pacific Ocean to spawn along the West Coast turn up dead in huge numbers whenever it rains. This phenomenon has confounded many experts and even led others to believe that warmer water due to climate change was the culprit.
Skaityk toliau
Study explains how a chemical from Japanese cornel may help treat Alzh
19.12.2020, 08:18
Study explains how a chemical from Japanese cornel may help treat Alzheimer’s disease
Cornus officinalis, also known as Japanese cornel, is a medicinal plant native to China, Japan and South Korea. Well-known in traditional medicine, the fruit of this small tree, in particular, is used for its analgesic, diuretic and anti-diabetic properties.
Skaityk toliau
Mysterious booms rattle houses in Florida
19.12.2020, 07:52
Mysterious booms rattle houses in Florida
A mysterious series of loud booms have shaken a Florida county in the afternoon of Dec. 4. Residents of Escambia County in the state’s western tip heard big booms and rumblings that shook houses. The source of the mysterious phenomenon remains unknown as earthquakes, storms or other possible causes were not reported in the area.
Skaityk toliau
Situation Update, Dec. 18th – Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude
19.12.2020, 07:52
Situation Update, Dec. 18th – Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude to TOTAL WAR with China
This is the most important Situation Update we’ve published so far. It’s for Friday, December 18th, and runs 98 minutes. See the video embed below. I’ve altered the format to make sure that elections information goes first, with vaccine or covid topics at the end. This way, you get the urgent national security / elections information right up front.
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