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The coronavirus pandemic is over, but the VACCINE pandemic is only just beginning

The coronavirus pandemic is over, but the VACCINE pandemic is only jus

(Paranormal) It’s over folks. Over. Take off your useless, bacteria-laden mask and quit that ridiculous social distancing. Take your vitamin D and your zinc. Take your medicinal mushrooms. So you had to “eat” a whole year of fear-mongering and pandemic propaganda, but it’s finally come to a close for the ones who “know” what fake news really means, and what the CCP/Biden Regime is really capable of – insidiousness.

(Article by S.D. Wells republished from

Yet, there’s much more to avoid than the SARS-CoV-2 Chinese Flu, because that’s nothing compared to getting shot up with prion-creating inoculations that cause blood clots and immune deficiency to all the coming variants of the Fauci-Gates virus we all know so very well. And should all those vaccinated sheeple start shedding dangerous protein “fragments” of their lab-concocted diseases, you’re going to want to have eaten a pretty clean regimen of whole, organic foods and nutrient-dense superfoods, that actually build your immunity, instead of crippling it like vaccines.

Now, of course, MSM (mainstream media) and the corrupt-to-the-core CDC, well they’re going to LIE as they always do and credit vaccines for the “plummeting” Covid-19 statistics, as you can find that word “plummet” conveniently spread across every fake news outlet in the country right now. It’s another ploy, a plot, a con, a trick to get as many people inoculated with the kill switch mRNA jabs. Plummet. Plummet. Plummet. Blah, blah, blah.

The news is so fake it makes you want to puke. It’s like a scummy used car salesman trying to sell you a lemon… “It drives great and it’s so cheap it’s almost free!”

 badhealth, fake news, mRNA, outbreak, pandemic, prion vaccine, protein

badhealth, fake news, mRNA, outbreak, pandemic, prion vaccine, protein

The VIRAL pandemic is over, but the VACCINE pandemic is only just beginning

You know vaccines are a huge con right now because of the WAY they are being “sold” to the populace. Want a free “vaccine lottery” ticket? You could win $5 million! –or simply DIE from the vaccine-caused blood clots… a lot of good the money will do you when you’re six feet under, huh? Want to see BLM-Antifa-loving NBA, NFL or MLB games Live? Get the Covid jabs. Would you love a nice cold beer on the house? Get the Covid jabs. Vaccines are being whored out right now because they’re dirty. Dirty with contaminants. Dirty with prion-creating mRNA “technology.” Dirty with human abortion cells. Dirty with blood clot creating proteins.

It’s like giving away poisonous candy apples at the GENOCIDE CIRCUS, and 150 million Americans already nabbed their “seats” (kill switch inoculations) and they’re chomping down on GMO popcorn, waiting for the “results.”

Plus, vaccines are an easy sale because they’re complicated to understand, so Americans have been trained by the AMA to take everything an MD says as gospel. “He (or she) is a doctor, why would he (or she) tell us wrong?” Because they CAN’T tell it right. They’ll be shut down. License stricken. Banned from practice.

So now the Allopathic tsunami is HERE, and all the sheeple are walking right out into the barren ocean, wandering around in wonder of the quiet before the giant wave of mutilation. Now the vaccine technology has enabled pharma to create prions in the human body, at any frequency they want, by simply giving Covid “booster shots” for stronger “variants” or new strains that will surely be coming to a “medical theatre” near you.

As Americans start dropping dead like flies, the narrative will be that the new strains of Covid are too strong to stop, but the autopsies will reveal over 100 million deaths from blood clots, strokes, heart attacks and “immune deficiency syndrome.”

Crematoriums will pop up on every busy corner in Metropolitan cities. Millions of people will be turned into bio-sludge for fertilizing the GMO crops. Others will become Soylent Green. If you already got the first vaccine, do NOT get the second. Maybe there’s some way you’ll still survive. Warn the others. There’s still time. There’s still time. #VaccinePandemic.

Tune your internet frequency to for updates on how to prepare for the upcoming VACCINE PANDEMIC and communist apocalypse.

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