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Great Britain MP encourages workplaces and social venues to require vaccination proof from the public

Great Britain MP encourages workplaces and social venues to require

There is a malicious plan to steal away individual liberties, to break down the autonomy of the family unit, and to create a new world order that renders every human being a piece of property, owned by centralized Big Pharma-controlled governments. This ownership of human beings will be achieved by coercing everyone to inoculate their bodies with cell-modifying mRNA vaccines. Freedoms have been stolen to force people to inoculate in order to get permission to live and gather again.

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in the House of Commons, Tom Tugendhat MP, revealed that these plans are already being put into motion. He said it’s very likely that mass production of vaccines in 2020 will ultimately become a mandatory public health measure in 2021.

Europe looking to segregate healthy un-vaccinated people to ultimately achieve 100 percent vaccine compliance

People who do not consent to the vaccines could be segregated throughout society and not allowed to travel. Tom Tugendhat even said that individuals may not be able to enter the workplace if they cannot provide proof of vaccination. Even though these measures violate every informed consent and medical privacy law on the books, Tom Tugendhat said that mandatory vaccines should be used with coercion throughout society to “punish” people. People who do not consent will not be allowed to gather at public venues, concerts or stadiums until they can provide proof of inoculation.

This concept has already been presented by Ticketmaster, an American company that handles tickets and entry requirements for event organizers. After purchasing a ticket, fans would need to verify they had been vaccinated (offering one year of protection) or had tested negative for coronavirus 24 to 72 hours before a concert or sporting event. If a fan tested positive or did not verify vaccination, they would not be allowed access to the event.

In 2020, governments set up the infrastructure of fear to take away individual liberties through discriminatory lock downs and business and gathering restrictions. In order to get those freedoms back, humans are being told they will have to submit to the mRNA vaccines. Tugendhat said people will have to provide a certificate to prove they have been vaccinated with the new mRNA inoculations or they will be barred from public utilities.

“[I]f vaccination works and if we’re confident it’s safe, and all indications so far are good, then I can certainly see the day when businesses say: ‘Look, you’ve got to return to the office and if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not coming in,’” Mr. Tugendhat told the HuffPost’s Commons People podcast. He even said the inoculations could be required to enter pubs and restaurants. The senior MP iterated, “I can certainly see social venues asking for vaccination certificates.”

He compared the coercive scheme to current requirements already in place for some countries. In some countries, yellow fever vaccines are mandatory in order for people to enter the country. “And I can see a situation where yes, of course you’re free not to have the vaccine, but there are consequences.”

Your body may soon belong completely to the Big Vaccine Government if you don’t rise up

The permit plan has already been put into action in France. In mid-October, French President Emmanuel Macron announced curfews in major cities. If anyone went out after curfew, they would need to provide authorities a permit. The United Kingdom is restricting the movement of Britons who “do not have a reasonable excuse” to be outside. If they are moving about freely, they are given a fine.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock is working with his department to force people to carry “immunity certificates.” This concept of control requires everyone to submit to antibody tests as a prerequisite to having freedom. If antibodies are not detected, the person is to remain in isolation until they are forcibly vaccinated. Governments around the world are taking drastic steps to claim ownership over people’s bodies, minds, health and freedom. This government violence and vaccine force can only end one way: revolution.

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