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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Rugsėjo » 16
Scientist: The Entire Universe Might Be A Neural Network
16.09.2020, 22:00
Scientist: The Entire Universe Might Be A Neural Network
The universe could be a neural network — an interconnected computational system similar in structure to the human brain — a controversial theory has proposed.
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Japanese And US Military Will Together Track UFOs
16.09.2020, 21:50
Japanese And US Military Will Together Track UFOs
The Japanese military, as well as the American, were concerned about the issue of observed unidentified flying objects. Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono issued appropriate instructions to the military in case they collide with unidentified flying objects (UFOs), which, according to the minister, pose a threat to the country’s national security.
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Haunted Places: Yorktown Memorial Hospital
16.09.2020, 21:50
Haunted Places: Yorktown Memorial Hospital
Yorktown Memorial Hospital. “So that more may live longer.” That was the quote of the hospital. Unfortunately, it seems that this hospital saw more death than it did lives saved. After forty years of service, In 1988, the facility closed it’s doors.
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The Story Of A Ghost Who Intended To Hurt A Young Family
16.09.2020, 21:41
The Story Of A Ghost Who Intended To Hurt A Young Family

John V. thought his wife was imagining it all. The noises… the shadows… the voices. But he soon came to realize that there was something – some unusual, powerful force in his home in Cicero, Illinois that might be a threat to his children. He came to believe that it was evil. This is John’s story.

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