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Situation Update, Jan. 28th – The Biden / globalist agenda to DELETE humanity through global extermination

Situation Update, Jan. 28th – The Biden / globalist agenda to DELETE

(Paranormal) To a person who doesn’t understand the overriding global plan for mass human extermination, the events of the world make little sense.

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

Why would governments intentionally weaponize covid lockdowns to harm their own economies?

Why would coronavirus vaccines be deliberately designed to cause rapid death and infertility?

Why would Bill Gates want to pollute the atmosphere to block sunlight and cause global famine due to crop failures?

Why has Big Tech been weaponized against freedom, abundance and truth?

The answer is blindingly simple: A global effort is under way to “delete” humanity from planet Earth. You might call it global genocide or a cosmic ethnic cleansing.

Joe Biden and his brutal regime against the American people are merely one cog in the global machine to achieve mass depopulation by any means necessary. This is why Biden’s policies are deliberately designed to cause collapse, destitution, enslavement and death.

These are not accidents. And this is why the US military must move against Biden and reclaim America, or face the total destruction of not just our constitutional republic but the very future of human civilization itself.

This global genocide agenda also explains:

  • Why the real goal of “climate change” is actually terraforming, which means altering the atmospheric chemistry of the planet to reduce CO2 (to starve plants) and reduce oxygen (to kill humans).
  • How “global dimming” projects will result in the engineering of global crop failures, followed by famine and mass death (in the billions).
  • Why energy prices are being deliberately raised by the Biden regime to cause food price inflation and collapse the national economy.

Just today, you’ve seen Gen. Austin (SecDef) announce that the Pentagon is shifting its priorities to carry out war against “climate change.” This treasonous act would de-prioritize America’s national defense and instead focus the entire US military on an imaginary enemy that’s nothing but a quack science hoax. (Will Gen. Austin order soldiers to fire their weapons at the sky to kill climate change? It really is that stupid…)

Today’s Situation Update for January 28th covers the critical news of the day along with revealing details of the plan to exterminate humanity. With Biden in the White House (for now, anyway), this plan is being accelerated against humanity.

Big Tech is in on it. So is the mainstream media. Their marching orders are to “exterminate humanity” by any means necessary. Once you understand this simple, horrifying truth, everything you see coming out of the Biden death machine makes instant sense.

Also, transgenderism is an attack on the sustainability of human reproduction, which is required for the human race to survive beyond one generation.

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