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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2017 » Lapkričio » 11
In the center of the galaxy discovered something big and heavy
11.11.2017, 19:19
In the center of the galaxy discovered something big and heavy
Using the effect of a gravitational lens, astrophysicists managed to register in the very center of the Milky Way a massive object – either a huge planet, or a sub-object, a brown dwarf. The new object was named OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb (briefly OGLE).
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Alien Evidence – The Mysterious UFO Landing At Socorro, New Mexico
11.11.2017, 19:15
Alien Evidence – The Mysterious UFO Landing At Socorro, New Mexico
Some evidence was uncovered evidence via the Freedom of Information Act, official internal Air Force Blue Book files, this contain fascinating items such as "irradiated" confiscated film taken five minutes after the UFO craft disappeared, a clue to an exotic propulsion system, and files copied directly from the National Archives.
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