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17-year-old boy hospitalized after Pfizer’s covid “vaccine” almost killed him

17-year-old boy hospitalized after Pfizer’s covid “vaccine” almost kil

(Planet Today) A teen boy from Pittsburgh is having to be hospitalized after the second Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection from Pfizer caused him to develop severe myocarditis.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The parents of 17-year-old Alex Franks say he was perfectly healthy prior to getting “vaccinated” for the Chinese Virus, but that everything went downhill after he got jabbed at “warp speed” in accordance with Donald Trump’s mass injection program.

“It was the middle of the night,” Franks told local media about when he first started to develop severe adverse effects from the injection. “I was walking upstairs from the basement when I got a sudden constricting feeling in my chest.”

Franks’ parents immediately rushed their son to the hospital where it was determined that he had serious inflammation around his heart. Doctors refused to link the condition to the injection, but Franks’ parents have come to that conclusion all on their own.

“That’s when things became eye-opening for us because it became much more serious very, very fast,” Karen Franks stated.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is supposedly looking into the matter to determine whether or not the “Operation Warp Speed” injection is linked to the boy’s serious health condition.

You can watch a news segment about the incident below:

Young boys, men most damaged by Pfizer’s mRNA injection

It is apparently more common than many people realize for young people, and especially young men, to develop heart inflammation after being injected with Pfizer’s mRNA injection for the Chinese Virus.

Serious symptoms usually emerge after the second shot, though the medical establishment is claiming that the jabs are unrelated and that this sudden emergence in new cases of myocarditis is a “mystery.”

“It can occur at any age for a number of reasons,” said John Williams of UPMC Children’s Hospital in a canned statement.

“We see myocarditis in otherwise healthy children with common viruses,” he added. “Right now, it’s not clear that these cases are more than what we would normally see.”

While Franks is reportedly feeling a little bit better, he still has to undergo another MRI to verify that no lasting damage was caused by the Pfizer injection. And, of course, his family still supports the “vaccine” and wants others to line right up and get it, just like their son did.

“It’s helpful to know all of the side effects so you can react quickly,” Karen Franks says.

It is a shame that parents like the Franks are choosing to bury their heads in the sand concerning the dangers and ineffectiveness of these injections. As they watch their children suffer, and in some cases die, all of them as quoted by the mainstream media seem to still be supportive of this obvious eugenics operation.

“I can’t believe the parents still support the vaccine,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “Their child could have died. Other children may die because of their support for the vaccine. Sick.”

Another wrote that he will not be participating in this experimental gene therapy operation because he has chosen to be a part of the unvaccinated control group, thus allowing him to remain non-GMO.

“There have been 5,100 deaths from the vaccine and counting,” wrote another.

“This isn’t as rare as they claim. No one should get this vaccine. It’s a medical experiment. They are pushing for FDA approval so they can charge for it.”

Yet another suggested that people with certain blood types are reacting more to the injections than others, which could point to targeted depopulation based on bloodline.

More related news stories about how Trump’s Chinese Virus injections are harming and killing Americans can be found at

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