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Newt Gingrich: Democrats Drifting To Extreme Left Because They Are ‘Owned’ By George Soros

Democrats Drifting To Extreme Left Because They Are ‘Owned’ By George

The Democrat Party continues to drift radically leftward according to Newt Gingrich.

The former US House speaker said that Democrat leaders will never rebuke militant elements like Antifa, because the party is controlled by billionaire leftist George Soros.

During a Wednesday interview on Fox News Gingrich said:

“All of these Democrats are now basically owned by the left,…..They are not going to pick any fights. They are owned by people who are financed by George Soros.

RT reports: Gingrich made his comments after Democrats in a US Senate hearing on Tuesday refused to directly criticize the conduct of Antifa, whose members have been accused of hijacking ongoing protests against police brutality and fueling riots in cities such as Portland and Seattle, amid a wave of anti-racism rallies that have swept the country since late May.

Short for ‘anti-fascist,’ the group is composed of a loose-knit network of activists on the radical left who frequently employ violent protest tactics, at times bringing along makeshift weapons to demonstrations and clashing with police.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, noted that vandalism and violence by the likes of Antifa have undermined peaceful demonstrations, and chided Democrats for not condemning them. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) then asked: “So, how many times have I had to say we should be denouncing violent extremists of every stripe?”

“Does that include Antifa?” Cruz countered, with Hirono shooting back that she didn’t have time for the Republican’s “rhetorical speeches” before walking out of the hearing.

Law professor Jonathan Turley, who testified at Tuesday’s hearing, said the scene was unlike anything he had encountered in the 50 congressional hearings in which he has participated. “I was not sure if I should turn off the lights when I left,” he said.

Gingrich said the fracas reflects “a war between two worlds. It’s not a normal presidential election.” Soros-financed local leaders and district attorneys have helped create disastrous conditions in Democrat-controlled cities across the country, such as Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle and Chicago, he continued. Some of those cities are taking steps to defund their police departments, one of the demands made by Black Lives Matter activists in the wake of George Floyd’s May 25 death in Minneapolis police custody.

“The propaganda machine of the left, which used to be the news media, is going to do everything it can to hide from it, but I think the average American is beginning to realize this stuff is dangerous,” Gingrich said. “That’s why by three to one they don’t want to defund the police.”

The Hungarian-born Democrat mega-donor became obscenely wealthy through currency speculation, before turning his eye towards influencing politics. In addition to funding various Democratic candidates in state and congressional races, Soros has invested heavily in local elections, where his money could have a much greater impact. He specifically targeted district attorneys, who in the US make all prosecutorial decisions at local level.

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