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Patriots, don’t fall for the D.C. trap: Do NOT show up to Biden’s election theft inaugural ARMED

Patriots, don’t fall for the D.C. trap: Do NOT show up to Biden’s elec

(Paranormal) In case you haven’t heard, the powers that be are turning our nation’s capital into an armed encampment ahead of Joe Biden’s stolen inaugural.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from

Granted, there is always a heavily armed presence for presidential inaugurals but this time it’s different.

In addition to regular police and the compliment of federal agents and Secret Service, tens of thousands of troops, many armed, have also been deployed to Washington, D.C.

Only a fool would consider showing up there armed, but that’s exactly what some alleged patriots are planning to do. In fact, one of them was just busted.

Breitbart News reported this week

An Illinois man was arrested Tuesday for allegedly threatening to commit violence at President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration in Washington, D.C., the Department of Justice announced.

Federal prosecutors said the suspect, 45-year-old Louis Capriotti, left a voicemail with a House member from New Jersey in which he allegedly warned that if people “think that Joe Biden is going to put his hand on the Bible and walk into that [expletive] White House on January 20th, they’re sadly [expletive] mistaken.”

Capriotti then allegedly warned, “We will surround the [expletive] White House and we will kill any [expletive] Democrat that steps on the [expletive] lawn.”

He’s not the only one who has made threats. So have others; some have even attempted to act on them. And wouldn’t you know it, Parler, which was just de-platformed by the big tech overlords, had a hand in catching one man.

Parler officials sent the FBI recordings from posts to the social site from Eduard Florea after he made a number of threats regarding elected officials and the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol Building — which we now know involved at least some left-wing agitators.

According to federal prosecutors, Florea made threats under the account name “LoneWolfWar” in which he discussed killing a senator-elect (Raphael Warnock, D-Ga.), and planned to travel to D.C. “as part of a group armed with firearms ready to engage in violence,” according to the Justice Department. 

Regarding Warnock, he allegedly said, “Dead men can’t pass [expletive] laws.” 

In another post, he allegedly wrote, “The time for peace and civility is over . . . ./3 cars full of armed patriots are enroute from NY / 3 cars of armed patriots heading into DC from NY / Guns cleaned loaded . . . got a bunch of guys all armed and ready to deploy . . . we are just waiting for the word.”

On the day of the Capitol riot, he wrote, “Its [sic] time to unleash some violence.”

“Florea, a previously convicted felon, made various social media posts about his plan to travel to Washington D.C. to engage in acts of violence,” said FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge, William Sweeney, in a statement.

“We saved him a trip and paid him a visit instead,” added Sweeney. “For those of you out there with similar intentions, heed this warning — knock it off, or expect to see us at your door,” the prosecutor added.

Who thinks he’s kidding?

Of course, he’s not. 

These are just two cases, but according to private source intelligence we’ve seen, there are others and other groups, left and right, who appear to be planning on showing up to ‘protest’ Biden’s inaugural with weapons. (Related: Situation Update, Jan. 15th, 2021 – DECLASS begins, CNN complicit in capitol raid.)

Patriots, we are just as angry as you are about this stolen election. We wanted the best president we’ve had in our lifetimes to get another four years to make us even stronger, even richer, even better than he had before China gave us COVID-19. 

But the powers that be are waiting for people to be stupid — to make the mistake of thinking they can go to Biden’s event armed and change what’s going to happen. 

They can’t. They won’t. But they will end up behind bars, and probably for a very long time.

Just as we saw left-wing agitators spurring otherwise peaceful Trump protesters to storm the U.S. Capitol, there are no doubt agitators, maybe even government-sponsored, trying to egg people into making a mistake that will cause them to lose their freedom.

Don’t go to DC armed. Stay away. Stay free.

See more reporting like this at

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