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10 Foods That Are PROVEN to Accelerate Fat Loss

health, awareness remedies, alternative medicine, natural medicine

Here are 10 proven foods that can help you accelerate fat loss and not hurt your health. The best part is that they are delicious. Just like with everything else, not all foods are the same when it comes to weight loss. Some foods can kill your appetite, boost the amount of burned calories, or both.  What makes these foods effective in stimulating weight is their fiber and protein content.  Here are the top 10 fat-burning foods!

health, awareness remedies, alternative medicine, natural medicine

  1. Nuts

Although high in fat, nuts are one of the best weight loss friendly foods.   They are packed with protein, fiber and healthy fats, while being low in carbs.  Given that they are extremely satiating, nuts can make you feel fuller with fewer calories.  According to certain studies, people who ate nuts, peanuts, or almonds experienced significant reductions in both waist size and their weight.

  1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain triglycerides, types of fats which are metabolized differently than other fats.  It has been scientifically shown that they boost the number of burned calories by up to 120 calories daily.

One study has show that people who ate two tablespoons of coconut oil daily experienced a significant reduction in waist size.

  1. Boiled potatoes

Depending on the way you cook them, potatoes can either make you gain or lose weight.  If eaten deeply fried like in the form of French fries and potato chips, they are fattening.  On the other hand, eating boiled potatoes is satiating and allows you to eat less of other foods.

  1. Coffee

Coffee has been scientifically shown to increase metabolism by 3-11 percent and boost fat burning by up to 10-29 percent. One study has found that 600 mg of caffeine daily helps burn an additional 79-150 calories daily.

  1. Fish and Lean Meats

Fish and lean meats are some of the best sources of protein.  High-protein diet has been shown to increase metabolism by 80-100 calories daily, and one particular study goes as high as 260kcal daily.

Another study found that protein at 30 percent of calories helped women eat up to 441 fewer kcal daily and lose a pound of weight weekly.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Taking ACV with a high-carb mean increases fullness so much that it helps people consume 200-275 fewer calories throughout the day.  According to one study, taking a tablespoon or two of vinegar daily led to weight loss of 1.2 – 1.7 kg for 12 weeks.

  1. Green tea

Green tea contains EGCG, an antioxidant which boosts norepinephrine activity and helps liberate fats from the fat stores. Multiple studies have shown that green tea extract boosts metabolism by 3-4 percent and increase fat burning by 17 percent.

  1. Hot peppers

Hot peppers contain capsaicin, a compound which increases metabolism and kills appetite, which makes it a very popular weight loss supplement.  However, those who eat spicy food regularly will experience little or no effects as they have built a tolerance to it.

  1. Water

Drinking sufficient amounts of water is extremely beneficial in terms of weight loss.  Drinking half a liter of water can increase metabolism by 30 percent for a period of 1 to 1.5 hours.

In addition, drinking half a liter of water before meals has been found to increase fullness and help people lose up to 44 percent more weight.

  1. Whole eggs

Last but not least,  eating eggs for breakfast makes people feel fuller,  which helps them eat fewer calories for the rest of the day.  One study has shown that eating a breakfast of eggs caused 65 percent greater weight loss compared to a breakfast consisting of bagels.

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