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5G and 4G both linked to cell and tissue damage, DNA destruction

5G and 4G both linked to cell and tissue damage, DNA destruction

(Paranormal) The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released a report outlining the risks and dangers posed by both 5G and 4G wireless technologies, which are linked to acute and persistent oxidative stress in the body.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Prolonged exposure to 5G and 4G radiation can result in damage to cells, tissues, proteins and DNA, as well as suppression of natural immunity. These effects could explain why the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has been particularly ravaging in areas where these technologies are prolific.

While COVID-19 has been all but non-existent in the third world, North America and Europe are seeing among the highest number of new “cases,” which could be a result of their populations being fried by 5G and 4G all day long.

In Wuhan, China, where the novel virus originated, 5G towers had just been activated prior to the “pandemic,” lending credence to the notion that 5G helped to fuel the wave of sickness and death that was depicted there by the media.

As our readers may recall from the early days of the “pandemic,” the China Virus was likewise problematic in Russia, Japan and many Arab nations, all of which similarly had 5G towers installed and at least partially activated just prior to the plandemic.

Africa, meanwhile, has seen barely any cases of the WuFlu, and it just so happens to not have any 5G towers activated at the current time – though it is coming.

“According to our man in Alaska, Bill Laughing-Bear, bad biological effects of non-ionizing radiation is a Western disease,” reports The Big Wobble. “With this type of energetic air pollution, there are many causes for concern.”

“For instance, it is known that both single and double-strand DNA will break down due to these cell phone frequencies. While single strand at times can heal, it is thought that double-strand DNA breaks will not repair and can lead to genetic mutations.”

5G kills, and Trump wants more of it across America

Other health problems associated with exposure to non-ionizing radiation include:

• Poor memory and concentration
• Delayed reaction times
• Headaches
• Decreased levels of melatonin
• Anxiety
• Chronic pain
• Pressure in the chest and shortness of breath
• Nausea
• Dizziness
• Blood pressure problems
• Sleep disorders
• Chronic fatigue
• Tinnitus

The long-term health impacts of chronic radioactive exposure from mobile phone technologies include:

• Multiple sclerosis
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Birth defects
• Red blood cells sticking together or deforming due to “bottle capping”
• ADD / ADHD in children
• Reproductive problems
• Skin disorders
• Parkinson’s disease
• Autism

Though the mainstream media and public health authorities continue to deny any link between cell phone radiation and damage to human health, the evidence is out there for anyone willing to take a look at it. The damage it causes to the immune system is particularly concerning as it renders people as “sitting ducks” for viruses like COVID-19 to come along and ravage their health with ease.

“Our Western ideals have increased to a point where our very lifestyle is causing us spiritual, mental and physical pain,” The Big Wobble adds, warning that the solution, a vaccine injection, is “all it takes” to forever alter human DNA and cause even more damage.

“The very idea of modern Western culture brings us pain, punishes us and causes remorse. Our breakneck lifestyles inflict physical injury and disease and produce frustration and hopelessness. In a world connected by social media, depression, loneliness and suicide are at record-breaking levels.”

Keep in mind that President Donald Trump is a vocal advocate for 5G, having allotted billions of taxpayer dollars for its nationwide rollout as part of a trillion-dollar infrastructure package.

More of the latest news about 5G and its impact on human health can be found at

Sources for this article include:


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