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Here’s a hint they were left-wing radicals: They both wore the same style of costume

Here’s a hint they were left-wing radicals: They both wore the same st

(Paranormal) Recent reports we have been digging up have revealed some interesting clues that definitely indicate the violence on January 6th was caused by leftists.

(Article by Vince republished from

So, I just wrote an article literally 5 minutes ago, about ANTIFA infiltration on January 6th.

While I was writing the article something hit me like a ton of bricks..they are both dressed THE SAME. The now infamous Jake Angeli in the photo you see above, and Aaron Mostofsky match.

Mostofksy is a registered democrat, and was arrested in the same fur-gear as Angeli in the photo above. He was also wearing a police riot vest when they arrested him.

He was arrested for stirring up violence at the protests.

There is NO WAY this is a coincidence. They both chose to dress as cavemen. They both chose to incite violence, both got some media coverage… is a registered democrat.

While we are on this topic look at Mostofsky’s glasses. I am sorry, but no young conservative sports the rounded John Lennon glasses……everyone knows this. Round glasses = left wing calling card.

Let’s also talk about Angeli. How many conservatives do you know define themselves as a ‘Shaman’ and ask for an all organic diet?

Please spread this article like wildfire; If you or anyone you know has information about either of these two, let us know via email or in the comments.

Take a look:

The Gateway Pundit had more:

Mr. Mostofsky is a 34 year old registered Democrat and the son of a New York Judge. He is seen in the picture above dressed in fur, carrying a stick and wearing a bullet proof police vest he had stolen.

Mostofsky is standing beside the man who carried a Confederate flag into the event. This indicates they possibly knew each other and both appear to be outsiders and leftist demons plotting to smear Trump supporters.

It’s unknown at this time if Mostofsky is a member of Antifa who was clearly leading the violent activities at the Capitol.

Here is Newsweek on Jake Angeli……you cant make this stuff up:

During his first appearance at a federal courtroom in Phoenix, Angeli’s public defender Gerald Williams told the judge that he had not eaten since he was taken into custody because he is on an extremely restrictive diet consisting solely of organic food, believed to be for religious reasons.

Judge Deborah Fine said the claims were “deeply concerning” and ordered Williams to find a way to accommodate the 33-year-old’s demands.

“We will abide by the judge’s order,” David Gonzales, U.S. Marshal for the District of Arizona, later confirmed to ABC 15 Monday, adding Angeli will be provided food to meet his organic diet.

He did not believe he had done anything wrong after being part of the mob which stormed the Capitol.

“I’m not really all that worried about it because, in all honesty…I didn’t break any laws. I walked through open doors,” Angeli told ABC 15.

Read more at: and

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