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ABC, CNN both broadcast the real-time theft of 32,400 votes from Sen. Perdue during Georgia runoff election broadcast

ABC, CNN both broadcast the real-time theft of 32,400 votes from Sen.

(Paranormal) The mainstream media has declared both Democrats who ran in Georgia Senate runoff election to be the “winners,” even though there is clear evidence that votes were stolen from Sen. David Perdue during live broadcasts on CNN and ABC.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Captured footage shows that 32,400 votes magically disappeared from Perdue’s tally as the fake news pundits were speaking and pointing at election maps – which is the exact same thing that happened to President Donald Trump on Nov. 3.

Watch this video to see the fraud take place in real time on ABC:

And in the video below, you can see the same thing happen on CNN:

“Senator Perdue had 774,723 and when the vote tracker uploaded it went down to 742,323,” reported We Love Trump. “This is way too familiar … During the presidential election, the mainstream media did the same thing while counting President Trump’s votes.”

The first time, we suppose it could have just been a coincidence, though this is highly unlikely. The second time, however, it becomes clear that this is another coordinated case of fraud.

“I’m sure election officials and news networks will have a pretty good lie to cover this up,” We Love Trump concluded.

What’s a patriot to do?

Between this and the false flag attack on the Capitol, America is all but lost. If these heists are allowed to stand unpunished, there will never again be a free and fair election in our country.

The future of our republic looks bleak, save for a miraculous about-face in which someone, anyone stands up for what is right before it is too late. Just days remain before the deep state swears in its latest puppet, after all.

All hope is not lost, but we are dangerously close to the point of no return. Now that Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell have both outed themselves as treasonous scumbags, along with most of Congress, we can clearly see that the number of real patriots in this country who hold positions of power is relatively small.

This does not mean that we should just give up, however. First and foremost, we need to humble ourselves and pray for mercy and intervention from God. All things are possible when divine hands are involved, and nothing is possible without them.

Continue to share the truth with your loved ones, emphasizing the fact that if election fraud prevails, there will never again be a free and fair vote for any American. Even the left will eventually come to a rude awakening about this, but by then it will already be far too late.

And finally, ready yourself with a plan of non-participation in the new communist system that, assuming Trump has already exhausted all of his options, will inevitably come under the new administration.

Since the election itself was fraudulent, so are any of the new “laws” and “executive orders” that will surely come flowing down the pipeline. Refuse to participate and adopt an ethos of civil disobedience to every unconstitutional edict that comes your way, including any new taxes that violate your rights as a sovereign citizen.

“Patriots have allowed these rats to sneak in for decades and infiltrate American culture, religious beliefs, morals, etc.,” wrote one We Love Trump commenter. “It’s not too late to fight,” the same individual added.

“These people have never seen the sleeping giant fighting back. I remember the disgusting way they treated the vets returning from the Vietnam War. Now, they’re running Washington, D.C. Prayer is called for, but a good fight is also called for.”

Visit our election fraud headquarters at for more stories like this one.

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