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Georgia attempt to steal the election will mean “Joe Biden and the people like him… will all go to jail”

Georgia attempt to steal the election will mean “Joe Biden and the peo

In Georgia, the attempt to steal the election has been exposed by “pristine ballots,” with no markings, 98% for Biden.

(Article by Georgette republished from

The fight for an honest election in Georgia is heating up, as L Lin Wood, attorney for President Trump has outlined the massive steal in a series of first hand witnesses.

In fact, Lin Wood told Howie Carr in a recent interview that “Joe Biden and the people like him who are trying to steal this election… Will All Go to Jail”

Incidentally, they are trying to steal it in Georgia using “copy” paper ballots that are 98% for Biden.

Attorney L Lin Wood filed a motion within Georgia for an emergency injunction to halt the certification of the state election until these ‘anomalies’ are investigated and resolved. [Full Motion with Exhibits Here]

Pristine ballots with no markings and 98% for Biden’…

Georgia recount worker with 20 years of experience handling ballots described an odd batch that stood out. Pristine sheets with no markings and 98% for Biden.


— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) November 18, 2020

Read the full affidavit — Lin Wood vs Raffensberger

3rd monitor, a Democrat: “Hundreds of these ballots seemed impeccable, with no folds or creases. The bubble selections were perfectly made … only observed selections in black ink, and all
happened to be selections for Biden.”


— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) November 18, 2020

‘500 in a row all for Biden, these were not mailed’…

4th witness, also a Democrat saw perfect black marks on a stack of ballots … 500 in a row all for Biden.


— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) November 18, 2020

Scott Hall is 5th witness alleging the same anomaly: hundreds of mail ballots without creases and perfectly marked bubbles that appear to not have been mailed. (Mail ballots are folded in order to be placed in an envelope.)

— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) November 18, 2020

‘Ballots appeared to be reprinted on copy machine’…

Barbara Hartman is the 7th witness who personally counted the uncreased mail ballots which appeared to never have been folded and all perfectly marked (as though with a stamp.)

— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) November 18, 2020

‘Uncreased ballots were never folded’

The tweet about the second witness in this thread appears to be invisible to the world, so here’s a screenshot:

— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) November 18, 2020

Read more at:

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