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As Biden takes office and calls for “unity,” violent leftists reignite their riots and attack a federal courthouse

As Biden takes office and calls for “unity,” violent leftists reignite

(Paranormal) During the theatrical Joe Biden inauguration, two cities on the West Coast erupted in violence. These rioters were not Trump supporters. They were not citizens protesting election fraud. The violence was caused by the far-left group called Antifa. Feeling invincible after months of looting and terrorizing people, Antifa groups took to the streets as soon as Biden was inaugurated. They vandalized a federal courthouse, shattering windows and taking temporary control of the area.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

Seattle police responded to an attack at 6th Avenue and Spring Street, where the William Kenzo Nakamura Courthouse was being overrun by Antifa. The historic building, completed in 1940, was the first single-purpose federal courthouse in the western United States.

During the 2020 presidential debates, Joe Biden brushed off Antifa as nothing more than an idea. Throughout the year, the media declared Antifa’s demonstrations “peaceful” as buildings burned and lives were destroyed.

Historic federal courthouse is attacked, yet Democrats and the media look the other way

That’s right, a U.S. Courthouse fell victim to insurrection on the day of Biden’s inauguration, but the event went largely unnoticed by the Democrats. Despite the left-wing insurrection at an institution of law, the Democrats and their media lapdogs did not see that there was any “threat to our democracy.” The appalling double standard that the Democrats and the corporate media has established in regard to political violence will ultimately haunt their narrative going forward and threaten their regime.

After attacking the historic courthouse, Antifa took to the streets, shutting down traffic, as they set US flags on fire. Their violence was also witnessed in Portland, Oregon at the Democratic Party headquarters. These domestic terrorists will not stop until they get what they want. The Democrats who now control Congress are too weak to face the issues they have helped create, and they will continue to use left-wing insurrection to their advantage, destroying the republic and targeting their political opposition.

Instead of dealing with left-wing domestic terrorism, Biden is calling on Trump supporters to “unify” with the Democrats and placate the left’s violence.

Top 5 ways that Democrats inspire “unity”

One: Censor 75 million Trump voters periodically on social media, removing the pages of the most diehard Trump supporters while putting warning labels on all the content they share. Once Trump supporters have been ideologically humiliated, invite them over to the Democrats inclusive society of “equality” and promise them a voice.

Two: Arrest anyone who marched to the Capitol on January 6th and label them all as “domestic terrorists.” Anyone who wants the courts and the Congress to review election fraud should be viewed as the insurrectionists. Once all these people are arrested for their beliefs, only then can Democrats erase their opposition’s thirst for freedom and justice. Once these desires are eradicated, then these ‘domestic terrorists’ can be reincorporated into society and unified into the new Democrat-ran utopia.

Three: Use the National Guard to install a standing army around federal buildings. This show of “unity” and force will help convince all Americans to join the Democrats as One. As part of this effort, make sure to use the FBI to “vet” every member of the National Guard, forcing them to believe everything the democrats say. If these troops do not agree with the Democrats, they are to be singled out and court-martialed until they completely agree to unify with the Democrat regime.

Four: Bribe Americans with their own money. In order to convince Americans they should unify, Democrats have decided to promise routine stimulus checks and universal basic income. These spending programs allow the Democrats to print as much money as they need to bail out their friends in power in the US and abroad. The remaining morsels returned to the American people are enough to pacify them into compliance with the implementation of global socialism. Uniting behind this plan is the only way forward because Democrats control every level of federal government.

Five: Start going after white supremacy. Anyone with white skin who believes the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land is the suspicious one and must be eradicated. Their business and career should be blacklisted, their products ripped from shelves, their home attacked. Once they feel shame for their heritage and beliefs, they are then required to pay reparations to all the minorities, Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Once they are paid up, they can then unify with the Democrats and be accepted as One.

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