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BLM Activist Arrested for Attempted Murder

BLM Activist Arrested for Attempted Murder

Last week, a Black Lives Matter activist was arrested for attempted murder after shooting an innocent man in an SUV during a BLM protest.

According to the Provo Police Department, 33-year-old Jesse Taggart of Salt Lake City was arrested on charges of attempted aggravated murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, rioting, threatening the use of a weapon in a fight, criminal mischief, and firing a weapon near a highway.

There’s a video of the incident, which clearly shows the driver of the vehicle barely creeping forward trying to escape being mobbed before he’s shot by a BLM activist wearing a mask. reports: “There is no ambiguity here about who the shooter was and who he supported. His social media included pro-BLM material, though his presence at the protest alone would be enough proof if he were of a different political persuasion,” Red State reports.

CNN’s website has still not even reported on this arrest, much less have they focused on the actual shooting itself, which we’ve known about for almost 24 hours now. The same is true for MSNBC and The Washington Post,” they add.

 I could keep going but I won’t waste my time. The reality is that the mainstream media are completely ignoring this shooting and the arrest of this man.

Does anyone think the media would be ignoring this if it were a tea party participant or a Trump supporter? Of course not.

We still get commentary on Charlottesville to this day in the attempt to tie the killing to mainstream Republicanism. Joe Biden even launched his campaign on that idea, and there is no doubt he will continue to tie Trump to the white supremacists in Charlottesville throughout his campaigning.

Yet, a man can be an avid BLM supporter and a Democrat and the media are suddenly not interested in playing the guilt by association game anymore.

“By the way, this happened yesterday,” tweeted conservative reporter Mark Hemingway. “We’d be under media siege now if a Trump supporter shot someone. Protesting is a God-given right, but the press has got to stop reflexively referring to the tenor of many of these current demonstrations as peaceful when they often aren’t.”

The real leaders of the Democrat Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, otherwise known as “the Squad,” are hardcore supporters of BLM and the “Defund the Police” movement.

We better wake-up. Over the last few years, we have watched as the Squad has moved the entire Democrat Party to the far-left. Nancy Pelosi is 80-years-old and has been forced to “cower in silence” and adopt BLM’s agenda as one and the same as the Democrat Party’s. 

If you are wondering why big corporations like Apple, Airbnb, Facebook, and Coca-Cola have donated large sums to BLM, you need to look no further than pressure by AOC.

“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez set the record straight for wealthy corporations on Wednesday, rejecting what she called ‘bland statements’ of support for the Black Lives Matter movement and calling on the companies to take concrete action to further racial justice,” Common, a far-left website reported on June 3.

Nancy Pelosi was made to reject the police reform bill the GOP wrote after AOC and the Squad stated “it did not go far enough.” In fact, the former bartender from New York blasted: “When we say defund the police, we mean defund the police!”

The “Democrat Socialist of America” tweeted: “Congrats to AOC and Julia Salazar on their wins! Right now, DSA candidates have commanding leads against machine-Dem incumbents. Dedicated DSAers made this possible. Join us to defund the police, win public education, healthcare, a Green New Deal, and strong unions for all!”

“This is all one big propaganda operation for them,” Red State adds. “It’s something they see as necessary to defeat Trump. They can’t actually report the truth, which is that the majority of these protests do appear to contain some form of violence or lawbreaking. We’ve now had multiple people shot, with some killed, at BLM demonstrations, never mind all the assaults that have taken place.”

The real power players like George Soros, Bill Gates, and Tom Steyer are using the BLM movement to unseat Donald Trump. That’s the real reason we see the rise of BLM along with this civil unrest across the country.

They all saw that a “moderate” Democrat Party could not beat Trump. So, they made sure the party lurched to the far-left and adopted Marxism. They fanned the flames of the riots. They funded the protesting.

So, this upcoming election is much more important than in 2016. We as a nation are now on the verge of truly becoming a Socialist-Marxist nation. They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. That’s why we must do the work of the media and share this information far and wide. There is no doubt that the vast majority of Americans, once they know the truth, will reject Marxism and re-elect President Trump.

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