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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Gegužės » 20
Gardūs Keksiukai Su Špinatais Ir Sūriu
20.05.2020, 18:39
Gardūs keksiukai su špinatais ir sūriu
Gardūs Keksiukai Su Špinatais Ir Sūriu - labai gardus patiekalas, kurį nesunkiai pasigaminsite pagal pateiktą receptą šioje svetainėje. Daug gerų ir išbandytų receptų vienoje vietoje, kuriuos tiesiog privalote išmėginti!
Skaityk toliau
The Baffling Mystery Of Loretto Chapel Staircase
20.05.2020, 10:18
The Baffling Mystery Of Loretto Chapel Staircase
You perhaps have heard of it, the staircase at Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where – according to the literature – nuns who operated a convent there began a novena to Saint Joseph, patron of carpenters and builders, when they needed a way to easily traverse up to the choir loft, which previously had been accessed by a ladder.
Skaityk toliau
Rosa Menichelli: The Ghost That Was Buried Aliv
20.05.2020, 10:31
Rosa Menichelli: The Ghost That Was Buried Aliv
The idea of the dead returning as ghosts to give messages to the living has always been part of the human psyche.
Skaityk toliau
Judas Helped Jesus In His Secret Plan?
20.05.2020, 10:18
Judas Helped Jesus In His Secret Plan?
The so-called Gospel of Judas is thought to be the most important manuscript found in the last 60 years since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls near Kumran, 40 miles from Jerusalem, in 1946.
Skaityk toliau
Freetown State Forest: A Place That Attracts Evil
20.05.2020, 10:31
Freetown State Forest: A Place That Attracts Evil

Freetown’s place in Massachusetts folklore and paranormal history is quickly becoming as famous as its coastal sisters and metro cousins.

Skaityk toliau
Doppelganger Phenomenon: 4 Most Mysterious Cases
20.05.2020, 10:13
Doppelganger Phenomenon: 4 Most Mysterious Cases
Do we have a twin in this world? Whether we can be in two places at the same time? In history, there are many records about people who claimed encounters with the shadow of himself. This phenomenon is often referred to as doppelganger.
Skaityk toliau
God Is Not Necessary For Our Universe To Exist?
20.05.2020, 10:18
God Is Not Necessary For Our Universe To Exist?
Renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has stated that God is not necessary for our Universe to exist and that Heaven is a “fairy story.” As an Orthodox Christian physicist, I must disagree.
Skaityk toliau
Encounter With Whiston’s Pink Valentine’s Ghost
20.05.2020, 10:13
Encounter With Whiston’s Pink Valentine’s Ghost
On the chilly Monday night of 13 February 2006 a 30-year-old Hackney driver named Lewis Missenden was flagged down in his vehicle on Berry Street by a young lady who was dressed in what looked like a pink wedding gown.
Skaityk toliau
Vištienos Užkepėlė Su Sūriu
20.05.2020, 07:50
Vištienos užkepėlė su sūriu

Žinau, kad visiems būna dienų, kai tenka pagalvoti ką gaminti vakarienei arba pietums. Šį kartą noriu rekomenduoti itin skanią vištienos užkepėlę. Ji labai patiks sūrio mėgėjams. Darbo tikrai nedaug, o rezultatas - fantastinis.

Skaityk toliau