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California stops injecting Moderna’s coronavirus vaccines after “disturbing number” of severe reactions

California stops injecting Moderna’s coronavirus vaccines after “distu

(Paranormal) Americans addicted to vaccine drugs were forced to quit cold turkey in California on Sunday following a spate of severe adverse reactions that prompted health authorities there to stage a mass statewide intervention.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Numerous pharmaceutical junkies who lined up to get their latest fix of Big Pharma poison at a San Diego Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination clinic suffered extreme allergic reactions after getting jabbed with Moderna’s China Virus injection, which is half owned by the taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Covidiot druggies who agreed to participate in President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” chemical experimentation program reportedly experienced such dramatic declines in health following their shots that the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) had no choice but to cut off everyone else still waiting to get high on the magical plandemic cure until an investigation can be conducted.

As is usually the case with the drug cartels, Moderna is claiming no responsibility for the serious injuries, calling them a coincidence. The company has been forced, however, to identify the batch from which most of the adverse events occurred: 041L20A.

Nearly one million (964,900) doses from this lot have already been distributed to roughly 1,700 vaccination sites in 37 states. Of this, 330,000 doses were distributed to 287 providers across California, with another 307,300 doses not yet distributed that are still sitting in storage.

Moderna is playing dumb, or perhaps it really does not know due to incompetence, about how many doses from the affected lot have been plunged into people’s arms. All the company is admitting is that the lot was shipped between January 4-8, suggesting that a significant number have already been distributed.

Getting vaccinated for covid is just stupid

News of the vaccine’s utter failure – or perhaps success, from Bill Gates’ perspective – sent Moderna’s share price plummeting four percent, to the horror of greedy shareholders and corporate executives who only care about the moola.

The CDPH and state epidemiologist Dr. Erica S. Pan have both indicated that no more Moderna vaccines from the 041L20A lot should be distributed until investigators are able to get to the bottom of the situation.

“All of the reactions appear to be tied to a single community clinic that was administering the batch,” reported Zero Hedge. “The clinic reportedly closed for several hours after a string of adverse reactions occurred.”

Just days after the deadly side effects really started to ramp up from Moderna’s jabs, California majorly expanded the vaccine eligibility requirements to allow for all residents 65 and older to get injected much quicker and more easily than prior.

According to Dr. Pan, vaccine reactions are still “rare,” despite the sharp uptick seen in San Diego, so everyone who is fearful of contracting Chinese germs should rush out and get vaccinated right away to protect themselves against becoming the next asymptomatic “case.”

The coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech is performing similarly, with hordes of people suffering horrific side effects or dying. Hong Kong’s government-appointed advisory panel has asked the governments of both Norway and Germany to send over the data they have on elderly people who died after getting vaccinated.

“So … a vaccine for a disease in which 99.999% of those under 70 easily survive is … killing people,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter, pointing out the absurdity of all this.

“‘The cure can’t be worse than the disease’ … Apparently that only applies to lockdowns or when you don’t have a vaccine to sell,” wrote another, quoting President Trump.

The latest news about the Chinese virus and the hoodwinked who are rushing out to get vaccinated for it can be found at

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