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Giuliani: Trump Campaign Has ’60 to 70 Witnesses’ Ready to Testify on Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania

Giuliani: Trump Campaign Has ’60 to 70 Witnesses’ Ready to Testify on

President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani says voter fraud investigations are set to radically change election results after he revealed that the Trump campaign has over 60 witnesses who are ready to testify about voter fraud and irregularities in Pennsylvania.

Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, says the Trump will launch as many as ten lawsuits regarding the ballot count in the swing state, stating “The Pennsylvania election was a disaster.”

“I can’t show all of the witnesses” right now, said Giuliani, who made his name as a fearless prosecutor in the 1980s and earned his stripes by taking down New York Mafia bosses.

The Trump campaign has lawsuits ready to go this week that could radically change the current picture of the presidential election, Giuliani told Fox News Channel host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday.

“Right now, we have one” lawsuit that’s already in motion, Giuliani revealed.

Giuliani said the campaign’s evidence could change which candidate won in Pennsylvania, which is currently projected for Democratic nominee Joe Biden by a narrow margin.

“In Philadelphia, where we are furthest ahead, we have about 60 or 70 witnesses in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and in Pittsburgh,” Giuliani said, according to WND.

“In Pittsburgh, we have observers who for 24 hours were kept out of the room or kept away from the room where they were counting the mail-in ballots, which of course are the highly suspicious ballots,” he added.

“During that period of time, at least 135,000 ballots were counted, none of which were observed by any Republican observer as the law requires.”

Giuliani claimed that bundles of mail-in ballots were brought in late.

“It looked very much like they were trying to make up the 700,000 difference that they had from election night,” he said.

Giuliani alleged another 300,000 ballots were counted while no GOP observers were allowed to watch.

“Even though we went to court, and we were allowed to move 6 feet closer, the Democrat-machine people moved the counting place six feet further away,” he said. “This is documented on videotape.

“There are upwards of 50 witnesses, and this will be the subject of a lawsuit that we file tomorrow for violating civil rights, for conducting an unfair election, for violating the law of the state, for treating Pittsburgh and Philadelphia different than the rest of the state,” Giuliani said.

“This is something that just has to be addressed,” he said.

Giuliani said there is no way to determine the validity of thousands of ballots.

“We’re at now 450,000 definite mail-in ballots that they separated from the envelope, threw the envelope away,” he said.

“We can never tell if they’re valid or not.”

Giuliani said the campaign will review whether ballots were cast in the name of people who are dead and will look into back-dating ballots.

“We have evidence now, from not only the Post Office but from others, that there was back-dating,” Giuliani said.

“I can only tell you right now that that amounts to about 2,000 or 3,000 votes.”

“Do you believe that you have enough to actually change the fate of the election?” Bartiromo asked.

“Well, I think we have enough to change Pennsylvania,” Giuliani said.

“The Pennsylvania election was a disaster.”

He said that overall, he believes up to 900,000 ballots will be called into question by the evidence the campaign has amassed since Election Day.

Giuliani speculated that ballots were kept in reserve in case they were needed.

Later in the interview, Bartiromo asked whether President Donald Trump should concede, now that Biden has been named as the winner by multiple media organizations.

“At this point, it would be wrong for him to concede,” Giuliani said.

“There is strong evidence that this was an election that in at least three or four states, and possibly 10, it was stolen,” Giuliani said.

“In other words, it was based on false votes. 

“Now, you can’t let an election go into history without challenging that.”

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