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One million COVID-19 vaccines sent to South Africa put on hold as the vaccine fails basic tests for safety, effectiveness

One million COVID-19 vaccines sent to South Africa put on hold as the

South African health authorities cannot approve the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccine in good conscience. The trial data was lacking conclusive evidence to justify the vaccine’s necessity. The vaccine offers minimal protection against mild and moderate infection caused by SARS-CoV-2, better known as the Fauci Virus.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

There is no guarantee that the protection lasts or whether the vaccine poses more risk to the individual after a comprehensive risk assessment is observed. The Serum Institute of India had already delivered one million doses of the new vaccine to the South African healthcare workers, but as of February 2021, these shots WILL NOT go into people’s arms because the vaccine has proven to be a useless fraud.

AstraZeneca vaccine turns out to be a fraud, as its necessity is called into question

“The AstraZeneca vaccine will remain with us … up until the scientists give us clear indications as to what we need to do,” said Health Minister Zweli Mkhize, who rejected the shot.

The AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine has been rejected in South Africa and around the world. Germany’s Standing Vaccination Commission found that the COVID-19 vaccine is only 8 percent effective for people over age 65. Switzerland dumped the vaccine due to lack of data on its safety and effectiveness. Swissmedic, Switzerland’s authority for medicines and medical devices, concluded that the available data “does not point to a positive decision regarding benefits and risks.”

Other vaccine makers, such as Pfizer and Moderna, have relied on corrupt and flawed study designs on COVID-19 diagnosis to inflate their vaccine’s efficacy. This medical fraud has helped propel mRNA experimental injections past regulatory oversight, despite clinical trials showing that moderate and severe side effects are common with this new technology. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines store instructions in single-stranded RNA to command human cells to produce spike proteins, the infectious feature of the coronavirus. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, on the other hand, encodes these cell-manipulating messages in double-stranded DNA and uses a modified version of a chimpanzee adenovirus to get the messages into the human cells.

Vaccines aren’t 100 percent safe and effective, and many aren’t even necessary

For years, health authorities around the world postulated that vaccines were 100 percent safe and effective, that the science was settled and undisputed. With the rollout of experimental COVID-19 inoculations, health authorities are being humbled and humiliated. Not only are vaccine makers committing fraud in the vaccine study designs, but the final product of COVID-19 vaccination is mired with critical errors that cost people their lives.

Trying to showcase the vaccines to the public, health authorities have unintentionally broadcast to the public some of the most awful failures of vaccination. While most of these allergic reactions have been scrubbed from social media and omitted from mainstream media networks, the documented reality of vaccine injury is real, unrelenting and stoic — haunting a corrupt industry that has lied to the public for decades.

For over thirty years, the Department of Health and Human Services has failed to perform safety studies every two years on the current vaccine schedule, violating their responsibility under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccination Injury Act. The COVID-19 experimental vaccines are receiving even less scientific scrutiny, as the U.S. FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world approve the inoculations for emergency use while indemnifying vaccine makers from legal accountability when their products harm individuals.

The most concerning issue currently facing the world is the loss of human rights when it comes to making personal medical decisions. According to the UK, COVID-19 vaccinations offer no protection, but they are being considered mandatory for travel. If this coercion is accepted, then life-threatening vaccine injury could be forced upon people all around the world, and unnecessary and unscientific inoculations like the AstraZeneca/Oxford cocktail could be pushed into people, with no regard for human life.

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