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Shanghai district residents refuse to take Chinese-made coronavirus vaccine

Shanghai district residents refuse to take Chinese-made coronavirus va

(Paranormal) Internal documents obtained by The Epoch Times show that only a very small percentage of residents in one district in Shanghai are willing to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines manufactured by China.

(Article by Arsenio Toledo republished from

The Epoch Times obtained a set of January work reports from the Shanghai Health Commission regarding a survey of residents in the district of Jing’an, one of the main urban areas in Shanghai that is home to around 1.06 million residents. Nearly 40 percent of the residents of the district are categorized as being at “high risk” of contracting COVID-19 due to their age.

Of the roughly 113,000 people surveyed by the health commission, only 24,000, or around 21 percent, were willing to be vaccinated with the Chinese-made vaccine.

The work report does not indicate what vaccine the Jing’an residents are unwilling to take. But it’s likely referring to the coronavirus vaccine developed by state-run pharmaceutical corporation Sinopharm. It could also be referring to the vaccine still being developed by another Chinese pharmaceutical company, Sinovac, but this seems less likely as it has not yet received full authorization.

As of Jan. 18, around 820,000 people in the city have already received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccines and around 240,000 have received the second shot. Wu Jinglei, director of the city’s health commission, claims that the number includes 180,000 doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers.

Jing’an District itself reported that nearly 12,000 people in the area have received the first dose, while only 668 have received a second dose.

No serious adverse reactions have been officially reported. But the work report shows that there were 17 cases of adverse reactions, including 12 “general reactions,” four “abnormal reactions” and one reaction that occurred after a person was vaccinated but was most likely not caused by the vaccine itself.

The Chinese Communist Party claims that severe adverse reactions to their vaccines only occurs in about one in a million cases. Based on the district’s work data, the actual number is closer to about three per 10,000.

China speeding up vaccine drive ahead of Lunar New Year

Despite inconsistent reports regarding the effectiveness of Chinese coronavirus vaccines, the communist nation is still pushing ahead with its mass vaccination campaign amid a spate of new outbreaks.

The country’s goal is to vaccinate several key groups of people and expatriate workers who volunteer before the Lunar New Year on Feb. 12, when public health officials believe potentially millions of people will travel home to celebrate the holiday with their families, leading to some outbreaks.

According to Shanghai’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the city had opened up its vaccine appointments to anyone who wants to receive the vaccine, and not just the key demographics that the CCP wanted to get vaccinated first.

However, the city seems to be having difficulty getting everybody to sign up, as less than 50 percent of Shanghai’s 1.77 million designated “key workers” volunteered for vaccinations.

Shanghai under lockdown due to local outbreak

The rollout of coronavirus vaccines is being hampered by the fact that the city has come under lockdown due to a small outbreak of cases in the Zhaotong residential community in the Huangpu District directly to the south of Jing’an. A handful of cases were also imported into Shanghai.

According to CCP-backed tabloid Global Times, contact tracers believe as many as 15,000 people may have come into contact with the infected or might share some overlapping travel histories.

The Zhaotong compound has been closed down. All shops and other commercial enterprises have been forced to shut down, and nobody is allowed to come in or go out of the community. Hotels in the area have been shut down, with customers and staff being sent to hotels further away to spend two weeks in isolation.

Before entering any residential complex, visitors are forced to submit their health QR codes and to comply with temperature checks, and face masks are once again mandatory, even if there is no outbreak in the district where the person lives.

Areas that have been designated by the health commission as “medium risk” have been ordered to undergo a 14-day home quarantine, and are required to submit two coronavirus tests. Those living in high-risk areas have been placed under “central quarantine.”

The Shanghai municipal government has begun a mass testing campaign, with the goal of testing every single person that may have come into contact with the infected individuals.

Coronavirus outbreaks are popping up in other parts of the country as well, such as in Hebei and Tianjin, two provinces that surround Beijing. Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan even blamed the outbreak in Hebei on people attending religious gatherings, while other officials blamed weddings and funerals.

Learn more about the coronavirus outbreak and the vaccines created supposedly to deal with the virus by reading the latest articles at

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