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Situation Update, Nov. 29th – 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is “Kraken”

Situation Update, Nov. 29th – 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is

We’ve just posted the Situation Update for today, Nov. 29th, 2020, covering the latest developments and strategy in the deep state’s war against America.

This update’s topics include:

  • How Trump-appointed judges in federal district courts are speeding rejection of Trump’s lawsuits in order to get them to SCOTUS more quickly.
  • The coming seizure of Dominion voting machines by law enforcement, followed by forensic analysis. (This alone could overturn the entire election.)
  • How the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is actually serving as a key source for Sidney Powell’s lawsuits which allege that China and Iran directly interfered with US elections through remote control and alteration of vote counts. Key witnesses tied to the 305th have the bombshell evidence.
  • This evidence is being saved and kept secret until a SCOTUS hearing. You won’t see the real fireworks until this is unleashed.
  • The 305th is the “Kraken.”
  • Changes to the DOJ’s rules about executions allow firing squads and hangings, but the military’s wartime rules of military justice have always allowed this anyway. And the attacks on America’s critical elections infrastructure were, in fact, acts of war.
  • How Brannon Howse and also Brighteon.Social is being attacked or threatened by deep state actors who are trying to silence us.

Plus, in this update I bring you an analysis of the Flynn / McInerney / Howse interview which reveals the following highlights:

  • HAMMER and various cyber weapons were previously used by the USA against other countries, now the weapons are being deployed against us. Obama is behind everything.
  • The Dec. 14th deadline doesn’t matter. President Trump should not leave office until all the facts surrounding election theft are analyzed, including vote count distributions “caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of targeted voting machines.”
  • The fact that all 5 battleground states stopped counting at the same time, “Demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in five battleground states.” Then they used HAMMER and Scorecard, plus Dominion, to move Joe Biden into the lead. It is a “mathematical impossibility” the way the votes came in. An algorithm was used.
  • Confirmed that US Special Forces Command seized servers from the CIA server farm in Frankfurt.
  • Confirmed there were US soldiers killed during the raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt. (As we reported in yesterday’s Situation Update.)
  • Chris Krebs, formerly at CISA, committed treason and is part of the coup.
  • Trump can maintain control over the White House, under oath, until a full investigation is complete, and there are no artificial deadlines that can stop him.
  • The President took an oath that obliges him to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This is why he cannot turn over the White House to political puppets (Biden) controlled by America’s enemies (China, Iran).
  • Georgia’s runoff election is already stolen by the Democrats unless we stop the vote theft. It’s just a digital theft for them. This means the Senate will be lost to the Democrats unless this vote fraud infrastructure is exposed and defeated.
  • All this goes up to the very top, implicating Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Barack Obama and others.

Listen to the full Situation Update here:

To get fully up to speed, listen to all the Situation Updates from previous days (28th, 27th, 26th, etc.) at the Health Ranger Report channel on

Also, don’t miss the latest interviews there with Jeffrey Prather, Monkey Werx and many others.

by: Mike Adams

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