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At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 “cases” are occurring in people who were already vaccinated

At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 “cases” are occurring in peopl

(Paranormal) Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University, has calculated that upwards of 60 percent of all new “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated” for the disease.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

“Clinicians have been telling me that more than half of the new Covid cases that they’re treating are people who have been vaccinated,” Risch told Bannon.

As we have been warning, the so-called “third wave” of the Chinese Virus will be due to people who were vaccinated contracting and spreading the disease to others.

While Americans who buy into the plandemic narrative have been led to believe that the jabs will protect them against serious symptoms should they test “positive,” Risch says that the medical establishment is looking at things a little bit differently.

“I think the American public has been sold on the vaccine by the research that shows that they reduce the infection of mild to moderate symptomatic infection by somewhere between 60-90% depending upon age and vaccine … however, that is not the measure that public health infrastructure, administration, and Dr. [sic] Fauci are using to look at the efficacy of the vaccine,” he added.

What Big Medicine is most interested in, according to Risch, is whether or not the jabs actually prevent the spread of infection. It would appear as though they do not, and are actually spreading the disease to recipients and their contacts, based on the latest data.

Risch was ostracized by his colleagues for promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine

Risch says the reality of how these injections function should serve as a wake-up call to people who think they are going to bring us back to normal. This cannot happen, it turns out, at least not based on the metrics being used by the government to determine when it is “safe” to end the restrictions.

“They’ve estimated that more than 60 percent of the new cases that they are treating – Covid cases – have been people who have been vaccinated,” Risch admitted.

Last year, Risch was chided and ostracized in various medical circles, including within his own workplace, for advocating the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of the Chinese Virus. On May 27, he published a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology that outlined how the drug works to prevent serious infections.

Entitled, “Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk COVID-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis,” Risch’s paper revealed what Fauci denied: that HCQ is an inexpensive, effective way to curb the crisis without the need for lockdowns, masks and tyranny.

Later on in August, Risch told Fox News host Mark Levin that the evidence is “overwhelming” to support the use of HCQ in the treatment of patients with the Wuhan Flu. It reduces the risk of both hospitalization and death from the Chinese Virus.

“As if forever chemicals hadn’t done enough damage to fertility, these shots look like they are going to create a massive dearth in babies,” wrote one person commenting at LifeSiteNews about Chinese Virus injections.

“The synthetic spike protein acts like retroviruses. Like retroviruses, some people can mount an immune response and keep them at bay. Others cannot. What’s scary about these COVID medical devices is they’re producing spike proteins, theoretically, in every cell of your body. It’s like skipping HIV and going straight to AIDS. I think over the next two years there is going to be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Another noted that the clear agenda behind the plandemic is the “imposition of a permanent and increasingly totalitarian state of sanitary dictatorship.”

Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) propaganda is everywhere. To cut through the lies, visit

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