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BLM extremist calls for sex offender-style registry for “race offenders”

BLM extremist calls for sex offender-style registry for “race offender

(Paranormal) The leader of a new political party inspired by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement wants to create a sex offender-style “race offenders” registry to punish white people who commit “micro-aggressions” in the workplace.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Sasha Johnson, a self-declared “Black Panther of Oxford” who identifies as a member of the “Taking the Initiative Party” (TTIP), is pushing for black people to receive “Holocaust-style” reparations from white people for the “discrimination” blacks have supposedly had to endure at the hands of capitalism.

In addition to “defunding” Great Britain’s police forces, 26-year-old Johnson wants to crack down on white people who offended her by preventing them from working, going to school, teaching and engaging in other activities.

The Oxford Brookes graduate, during a recent interview with MailOnline, attacked U.K. politicians like David Lammy and Diane Abbott, two Labour MPs (members of parliament) and ethnic minorities whom Johnson claims are “tokenistic,” despite having dark skin.

While the TTIP, of which Johnson is an executive member, is branded as being “not just a party for black people,” Johnson’s admissions reveal that it is an anti-white activist organization no different than the Black Panther Party.

“The party operates a system of ‘coalition leadership’ so there is no one specific person in charge and different spokesmen sometimes air views that contradict the official party line,” write Daniel Beurthe, Ben Henderson, and Rory Tingle for the MailOnline.

“Outlining the party’s manifesto in her first interview with a national publication, she called for a national register of alleged racists that would ban them from living near people from ethnic minorities.”

More of the latest news about anti-white racism can be found at

Johnson: If you’re white, you shouldn’t be allowed to live around blacks

Johnson wants black people and other ethnic minorities to never have to feel offended in the workplace, which is why she wants to specifically target “indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group.”

In other words, even if a white person does not intent to come across as “racist,” he or she could be dubbed as one under Johnson’s proposal, were it to be implemented. White people would forever face discrimination of their own, as they would be punished for simply living and working while white.

“It’s similar to the sex offenders register,” Johnson told the MailOnline. “If you were to be racially abusive to someone, [the register] would question whether someone is fit enough to hold a particular job where their bias could influence another person’s life.”

“A lot of racism happens at work and places of education in a micro-aggressive way,” she added. “If you exhibit an element of bias at work, you should probably receive a warning first [before later being added to the register] so people know in future that you hold these views.”

According to Johnson, white people should also be prohibited from living in “majority-colored neighborhoods” because white people are an inherent “risk to those people – just like if a sex offender lived next to a school, he would be a risk to those children.”

Johnson hates white people, in other words, and wants them all to go away because this will cure racism, including her own. It could be the same reason why Cornell University wants only black people to be allowed to skip flu shots, while everyone who attends classes as a white person is required to get jabbed.

As for reparations specifically for blacks, Johnson says this could be accomplished through special “tax free periods” during which black people would not have to pay taxes. This would allow them to have the extra money they need to “build back up economic stability in black communities.”

Sources for this article include:

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