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US enemies may be planning EMP attack as civil unrest hounds Capitol

US enemies may be planning EMP attack as civil unrest hounds Capitol

(Paranomal) Enemies of the United States may be using the various political crises at the Capitol to prepare and launch an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, according to cybersecurity experts.

(Article by Virgilio Marin republished from

Since last year, the U.S. has been skating on thin ice with the tumultuous Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and recently the second impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Trump’s ardent critics at the House of Representatives are also proposing to bar him from the nation’s nuclear codes during his last few days in office.

Peter Pry, executive director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, said that these domestic crises create a “golden opportunity” for America’s greatest enemies to launch a surprise offensive.

“The U.S. political crisis is being closely watched by Russia, China, North Korea and Iran as a potential golden opportunity for aggression, including the worst-case nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack,” Pry said in a recent interview.

America in danger of an EMP attack

Pry warned that America’s domestic crises may wear down national security and expose the country to an EMP attack. An EMP is an invisible and silent burst of electromagnetic energy that fries electronic equipment and usually knocks out the power grid.

A successful EMP attack on the country will cause a nationwide blackout and the shutdown of critical infrastructures like communications, transportation, food and water supply and sanitation. These conditions can last as long as a year and cause the death of many Americans due to societal collapse.

In an article for the Hill published last year, Pry sounded the alarm about a potential surprise EMP strike by China. The latter’s plans, according to Pry, are all evident in Chinese military writings.

“Even a super military power like the United States, which possesses nuclear missiles and powerful armed forces, cannot guarantee its immunity … In their own words, a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides,” said Pry.

Domestic crises further put the U.S. in danger. “Totalitarian and authoritarian states view leadership crises and periods of deep domestic political division as invitations to aggression,” Pry said in the interview.

He warned of the danger posed by the people who infiltrated last year’s BLM protests. According to Pry, these individuals display a “swelling counter-culture anarchy and self-condemnation” reminiscent of the 1968 riots and anti-war protests that are recognized as the turning point in the nation’s defeat in the Vietnam War. 

To make matters worse, House Speaker and Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi demanded the Department of Defense to remove Trump’s access to the nuclear codes. This move “is probably far more dangerous to U.S. national security than the mobbing of the Capitol,” Pry said in reference to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

Civil crises can lead to “WWIII Cybergeddon”

Pry warned that these civil crises can lead to a “World War III Cybergeddon,” where the internet and electric grid go down. When that happens, a total of 295 million people (or 90 percent of Americans) could die within the first year due to starvation, disease and societal collapse.

Pry believes that the United States is simply unprepared for a large-scale disaster, as proven by its inadequate response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As he noted in the Hill article, the U.S. spent decades and billions of dollars preparing for biological warfare and funding health and defense departments, which should have contingency plans to protect Americans from lethal biological weapons. Yet these departments failed to manage the pandemic and instead pushed the country to the worst economic crisis it has seen since the Great Depression, according to Pry.

In the midst of this, America’s foes are watching. “Hostile foreign powers surely have noticed the panicked, incompetent U.S. response to the virus that shut down a prosperous U.S. economy,” Pry said.

America’s domestic crises are a real threat to the safety of all Americans. Learn more about the many ways foreign enemies are destroying the U.S. at

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