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Analysis: Biden’s energy-restricting climate policies are a national security threat — not climate change

Analysis: Biden’s energy-restricting climate policies are a national s

(Paranormal) Biden signs executive order on the ‘national security consequences of climate change’“U.S. spies, analysts and policymakers will write the country’s first National Intelligence Estimate on climate change under an executive order President Biden plans to issue today…Much of Biden’s directive will focus on national security — an arena experts say will become more strained as the planet heats up.

(Article by Marc Morano republished from


Climate Depot’s Marc Morano responds:

Having abundant domestic energy is one of the hallmarks protecting U.S. national security interests. Restricting domestic energy is one of the biggest national security threats — not climate change. One of the greatest threats to U.S. national security is the reliance on foreign sources of energy.

Climate activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) explained in 2020 that “American wars have been, to a greater or lesser extent, strategic struggles over control of coal ports, shipping routes, and oil fields.” Kennedy added, “Protecting American oil and coal resources and ports became a raison d’être for an endless parade of new American wars and interventions.”

But during the Trump administration, America’s domestic energy boom contributed to a secure U.S. During his farewell address, former President Trump explained: “I am especially proud to be the first president in decades who has started no new wars.”

Previous presidents paid lip service to “energy independence” but during Trump’s administration, America not only achieved “independence” but also went one step better — by enabling an American energy renaissance that led to U.S. energy dominance!

In 2019, “U.S. energy exports exceeded imports for the first time since 1952,” the EIA reported. The EIA also reported, “In 2019, U.S. energy production exceeded energy consumption for the first time since 1957,” when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. Trump’s energy achievements were so off the charts that the last time the U.S. saw this kind of energy dominance was when Harry S. Truman was president in 1952! President Trump accomplished all of this while the U.S. continued to lead the world in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. See:DEMOCRATS DIDN’T CLAP AS TRUMP TOUTED AMERICAN ENERGY BOOM IN SOTU– “We have unleashed a revolution in American Energy – the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world,” Trump said. “And now, for the first time in 65 years, we are a net exporter of energy.”

What climate activists like RFK Jr. fail to comprehend — and the Trump administration understood — is that a policy that promotes a massive expansion of U.S. domestic energy production is one of the best safeguards against engaging in “an endless parade” of wars and interventions over energy supplies. Thanks to the Trump administration’s America First energy policy, the U.S. no longer needs to start or fight in wars over energy. America has its own domestically produced energy to rely on.

And the Biden-Harris administration will overturn it all with the coming Green New Deal and many other “climate” regulations and the UN Paris climate pact. Biden and Harris are set to go way beyond anything President Obama’s administration attempted in the area of climate change policy. See:Noam Chomsky: Biden on climate is ‘farther to the left than any Democratic candidate in memory’ – Biden’s climate agenda was ‘largely written by the Sunrise Movement’

Banning domestic energy exploration and pushing the Green New Deal is bad for America’s national security because their goals are to either place more restrictions or eliminate altogether American drilling, mining, fracking, pipelines, and energy extraction. The GND will result in more reliance on conflict energy from such places as the Middle East, Venezuela, and China, where human rights and environmental protection may be less than desirable. But the GND, by restricting fossil fuels and mandating solar, wind and electric vehicles will result in more environmental degradation due to increasing the U.S. dependence on rare earth mining operated by China and Russia. See: Green Killers: Congo’s Miners Dying to Feed World’s Hunger for Electric Cars – Last year about 70% of the world’s supply came from the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the poorest, most violent and corrupt places on Earth. Much of its cobalt comes from around this town.

“Shutting down U.S. energy supplies means dependence on Middle East oil, which means a permanent state of war for the Military-Industrial Complex,” climate skeptic Tony Heller wrote in 2020.

The GND with its restrictions on fossil fuels and mandates on solar, wind, and electrical vehicles will result in the U.S. losing both energy independence and dominance, and the GND will further increase U.S. dependence on rare earth mining operated by China and Russia. “China, for example, supplies about 90% of rare-earths for the world.
On the cobalt front, China has also quietly gained control over more than 90% of the battery industry’s cobalt refining, without which the raw ore is useless. Russia is a massive nickel producer,” explained energy analyst Mark P. Mills of the Manhattan Institute.

Biden’s climate czar John Kerry is dead wrong on climate change being a national security threat. See:John Kerry doubles down on climate change: ‘It is increasingly a national security threat’

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