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Antifa smashed Democrat headquarters in Portland, but Republicans were blamed

Antifa smashed Democrat headquarters in Portland, but Republicans were

(Panarnormal) The Democratic Party of Oregon has released a statement about the violent attack that occurred at its headquarters in Portland on Inauguration Day, blaming Republicans for what was clearly another Antifa riot.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Chair Carla “KC” Hanson wrote that the “day of joy and celebration” ended “with frustration and disappointment” when nine windows and the front door of the Democrat headquarters were “busted out.”

“The damage is extensive and discouraging,” she added, “but I’m incredibly thankful that none of our staff were in the building at the time, and grateful for their quick response.”

KC further explained that this is hardly the first time that the facility has been “vandalized” throughout the past year, but that none of these prior incidents have deterred their “important work to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.”

The statement went on and on about how “incredibly supportive” the “Democratic community” in Portland has been throughout the process. It also asked people to “chip in” to help “defray some of the costs of repairing the damage from this incident.”

At no point in her statement did KC identify the culprits as Antifa or Black Lives Matter (BLM), even though video footage shows many of the usual left-wing culprits running wild. Instead, she blamed the incident on Republicans.

“Years of relentless Republican attacks on our Democratic values and the very foundations of our democracy have not stopped our work, and neither will this senseless vandalism,” the statement goes on to explain. “We are undeterred.”

More related news about Antifa and BLM terrorism can be found at

Republicans do not try to destroy ICE facilities

Back in August, the same types of folks who were seen destroying the Democrat Party headquarters in Portland stood around chopping off the heads of stuffed animals in guillotines while burning American flags.

That same month, “protesters” of the leftist variety pointed lasers in the eyes of law enforcement officers to try to blind them.

In the latest incident, far-left rioters spray painted things like “F*** BIDEN” on the walls of the building. Many of them were carrying weapons along with umbrellas, which they used to block cameras from filming and identifying them. Check out the following video footage from Andy Ngô:

Do these people look like Republicans to you? Hardly. Not a single one of them would ever be seen sporting a Make America Great Again hat, let alone showing up to a Trump rally.

The fact that this violent riot and act of mass vandalism occurred just minutes after Biden was “inaugurated” says a lot about what far-leftists think of this “president.” Immediately before the inauguration, a group holding a “We don’t want Biden – we want revenge!” banner was spotted marching through Portland (see below):

The ironic thing about these far-leftists is that they now share the same perspective as conservatives who reject the Biden presidency. The difference is that the “anti-fascists” are out for blood, and they want the world to know it.

Antifa was also seen at the Portland area Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility. Police had no choice but to use tear gas and flashbangs to disperse them to prevent a similar situation like what happened at the Democrat headquarters from occurring.

Once again, do these people look like Republicans to you? Are Republicans against ICE or do they support upholding our nation’s immigration laws?

“And conservatives will continue to be blamed as the left’s propaganda machine, MSM, backs them up,” wrote one commenter. “The folks that are unable to look at both sides are going to believe anything.”

“If you live in Oregon, *call their bluff* and demand that those ‘awful Republicans’ who are rioting and smashing things be arrested ASAP,” wrote another.

Sources for this article include:

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