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Cardiologist warns about covid vaccine fraud and hyper-inflammatory immune responses caused by the shots

Cardiologist warns about covid vaccine fraud and hyper-inflammatory im

(Paranormal) An expert physicist-nuclear cardiologist appeared on a recent episode of Pandemic War Room to warn the public about the dangers of the experimental covid vaccines and to discuss the fundamental fraud that was used to falsely advertise vaccine efficacy.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

Dr. Richard Fleming has thoroughly studied the clinical trials for the experimental covid vaccines and understands the fraud behind clinical trials and vaccine marketing campaigns. Dr. Fleming warns that the vaccines have never been proven effective for achieving any human health objective. The efficacy studies were based on random chance and did not investigate viral load nor use verifiable diagnostic criteria to determine if the vaccine has any effect on a person’s immune system. He also warns that the vaccines can cause Mad Cow disease in animals — the kind of nerve damage that precedes Alzheimer’s and other neurological conditions often associated with old age.

Vaccine efficacy was determined based on random chance, not verifiable diagnostic criteria

“I’m not anti-vax,” Fleming told War Room. “I’m just anti-bad medicine.” Dr. Fleming pointed out the fundamental fraud from the vaccine maker’s own data that was used to falsely advertise the product’s so-called efficacy.

Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson all determined vaccine efficacy based on random chance, bypassing verifiable diagnostic criteria and ignoring viral load. According to the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization data, there is no demonstrable difference between the vaccine’s ability to stop covid compared to anything else. The vaccine efficacy data is a fraud because it relies on random chance and faulty high-cycle amplification of non-infectious virus material to falsely diagnose covid in the control group and inflate the vaccine’s efficacy. The vaccine makes zero difference in stopping covid and does not address any underlying immune deficiencies that lead to severe illness.

Covid vaccines will inevitably cause Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, an even greater threat

In fact, the vaccine may contribute to more severe health problems and immune system issues. If the public is continually vaccinated with such intense speed, these individual health problems will become a public health catastrophe. Antibody-dependent enhancement is a serious problem observed in animals that were exposed to coronavirus vaccines. All previous attempts to design a coronavirus vaccine for SARS and MERS, and similar attempts to create the RSV and dengue vaccine caused antibody-dependent enhancement. While antibodies measurably go up after vaccination, these same antibodies lead to a hyper-inflammatory immune reaction once the animal or person is exposed to the wild virus again. These vaccinations ultimately led to deadly immune reactions in the animals, priming them for death once they were exposed to the virus again.

The vaccine’s spike protein synthesis causes severe inflammation, a precursor to many severe diseases

Dr. Fleming said the man-made spike proteins, encoded by the vaccine, cause inflammation. In the 1990s, he discovered that inflammation causes cardiovascular disease. The blood clot issue, which has been observed for all the coronavirus vaccines, is a sign that the encoded spike protein synthesis presents an alarming level of inflammation in the body, especially for people who already eat inflammatory foods and have plaque buildup in their arteries.

Dr. Fleming warned about another long-term adverse events that will result from covid vaccination over the next year or two: “In the animal model, they develop (Lewy bodies, associated with dementia), spongiform, and Mad Cow disease. We also know two weeks afterwards they develop…what causes Alzheimer’s and neurological disorders.”

Fleming concluded that the vaccines have “no statistically significant benefit” and advised the Biden regime to call for an immediate evaluation “whether there’s any demonstrated efficacy” of the vaccines, “because there’s not.”

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