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Experimental J&J Covid-19 vaccine halted in U.S. due to deadly blood clots… yet no one is allowed to mention vaccine injuries or deaths

Experimental J&J Covid-19 vaccine halted in U.S. due to deadly blood c

(Paranormal) Multiple cases of deadly blood clots have prompted health officials in the United States to temporarily halt all further administration of Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The so-called “experts” are reportedly working to update physicians all across the country about new vaccine “fact sheets” that warn about the deadly blood clots, which can be triggered by “interference” from other pharmaceutical medications.

When asked about the AstraZeneca injection, which is doing the same thing in Europe, health officials brushed aside the question and went on to insist that the J&J injection is “safe and effective.”

Only in “rare cases,” they claim, will a person who receives a J&J shot for the China Virus develop a deadly blood clot. Dr. Peter Marks from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, admitted that the blood clotting issue between the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines is “related” because both jabs operate on an adenovirus platform.

“The real thing that is so notable here is not just the cerebral blood clots,” Dr. Marks explained. “It’s their occurrence together that makes a pattern, and that pattern is very, very similar to what was seen with another vaccine.”

Neither the FDA nor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued any guidance thus far about the issue and how medical professionals should proceed. A CNN reporter claims to have been told that the issue was being “looked into,” but nothing has come of it yet.

Vaccine-related adverse effects feared to once again overload hospitals

Dr. Marks worries that a whole lot more people are going to be seeing doctors like himself if the list of potential side effects from the jabs is expanded to include things like “headaches” and “abdominal pain.”

If jab recipients are told to seek emergency care in the event that they develop serious adverse effects, hospitals and emergency rooms could very quickly become overloaded, possibly leading to more lockdowns.

“A wave of patients being told to seek emergency care as a precaution could push ER occupancy rates higher again,” Zero Hedge warned. “Suddenly, the numbers will be telling us that we are back in the worst of the COVID pandemic.”

Meanwhile, the Biden regime is doing everything it can to downplay the news, claiming that because most people who receive the J&J jab supposedly do just fine, we should all just forget about the minority that is seriously injured or killed.

“This announcement will not have a significant impact on our vaccination plan,” stated Jeffrey Zients, Beijing Biden’s White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator.

China Joe is still on track to plunge 200 million injections into Americans’ arms by his 100th day in office, a plan that apparently will not be disrupted by a few pesky blood clots or deaths.

Patients who were scheduled to receive the J&J injection are quickly being rescheduled to receive either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna injection instead.

Moderna, meanwhile, put out a statement claiming that “a comprehensive assessment of safety data” shows “no connection” between its jab and any negative health outcomes – so line right up and get stabbed, America.

“Nobody in their right mind would take a vaccine that has a higher chance of killing them than the virus does,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter.

“Yes, these injections are fatal,” wrote another. “But there is a time delay, random, and the method of death varies. Very clever. Very deadly. Streets are going to be very empty. The WEF (World Economic Forum) will be pleased.”

To learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) shots, be sure to check out

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