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CONFIRMED: Dominion Voting Systems partially owned by corporations with ties to Beijing

CONFIRMED: Dominion Voting Systems partially owned by corporations wit

(Paranormal) Concerns have been raised regarding the performance of Dominion Voting System machines in the 2020 election. These concerns have led people to speculate that the company may be owned by foreign entities that acted as indirect investors to Dominion.

(Article by Arsenio Toledo republished from

One company, in particular, has been at the center of election fraud claims concerning Dominion: Staple Street Capital Group LLC, a private equity firm based in New York that acquired Dominion Voting Systems Corporation in 2018.

Back in October of this year, Staple Street Capital was able to raise $400 million from investors for its third fund thanks to UBS Securities LLC, a New York-based subsidiary of UBS, a Swiss bank. Initially, nobody believed that there was anything out of the ordinary with these financial transactions – that is, until the recent election.

Financial and fraud analysts have begun to speculate that a Chinese corporation, or an intermediary affiliated with Chinese individuals, could have invested large sums of money into the fund, which would make them indirect owners of Dominion through Staple Street Capital.

According to investigations, only 24.99 percent of UBS Securities is directly owned by its parent company. The remaining 75.01 percent of the company are owned by four different Chinese entities.

Beijing Guoxiang Asset Management is an asset management subsidiary directly managed by the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress, “the organ of state power” that controls the municipality of Beijing. They control 33 percent of UBS Securities.

Guangdong Provincial Communications Group Corporation is fully owned by the People’s Government of Guangdong Province. They own 14.01 percent of UBS Securities.

China Guodian Corporation and COFCO Group are both state-owned enterprises that are directly administered by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, a special commission directly controlled by China’s State Council supposedly created “to improve the management and regulation of state-owned assets.” China Guodian and the COFCO Group own 14 percent each of UBS Securities.

Other connections between Dominion Voting Systems and business and government elements within China have been uncovered in recent weeks, such as how Dominion’s Core Infrastructure Manager of Information Technology, Andy Huang, worked for China Telecom for nearly four years.

China Telecom is a state-owned telecommunications company that was identified by the Department of Defense as being an active collaborator of the Chinese military for at least the past two decades.

The Department of Justice even flagged China Telecom for concerns that they are “vulnerable to exploitation, influence and control by the Chinese government,” and by how the nature of their work within the United States provides “opportunities for Chinese state-actors to engage in malicious cyber activity enabling economic espionage and disruption and misrouting of U.S. communications.”

UBS removes board members with ties to China

In response to the growing encroachment by U.S. regulators, and following the intense scrutiny placed upon Dominion Voting Systems after their disastrous performance during the recent election, at least three members on UBS Securities’ board of directors have been removed just this month.

According to a report made by alternative news broadcaster NTD TV that aired on Dec. 5, three members of the board appeared to be of Chinese descent: Ye Xiang, Mu Lina and Luo Qiang. This is according to the company’s profile page on Bloomberg.

However, their names were immediately taken down from the profile page, which strongly suggests that they were taken out of the company’s board of directors following the end of the election.

A limited liability company like UBS Securities is not required to have a board of directors, but it can still choose to have one. In their 2019 year-end report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, UBS Securities does not provide any information regarding their board of directors, which also suggests that every single member of their board is relatively new to their positions.

This has led investigative journalists working for alternative news outlet The Epoch Times to believe that the Chinese board members were appointed there for “temporary compliance purposes,” such as to get the board to sign off on specific transactions that otherwise may not have been approved, such as the fundraising of $400 million last October.

A closer look at these three board members also reveals further ties to China.

Ye has served on the board of UBS Securities LLC and UBS Securities Co. Ltd. – UBS’ affiliate corporation based in Beijing – until his name was removed from the boards of both entities. He previously worked for the Hong Kong Monetary Authority as a senior analyst before working for the state-owned Bank of China. He is also a founder of an asset management firm based in China.

Mu worked as head of fund operations and director of wealth management funds for UBS Beijing. Before this, she was a board member of China TransInfo Corporation, which develops and manufactures surveillance cameras and provides data and artificial intelligence services to Chinese authorities. The chairman of China Transinfo is a ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party. She left her position in September, shortly before she was supposedly appointed to the board of UBS Securities.

Luo, who has French citizenship, served on the board of UBS Beijing for eight years.

It should be noted that UBS Beijing became the first foreign-owned corporation to be granted a full securities operation license by the Chinese government back in 2018. The rest of their board. as well as most of their executives, are all Chinese nationals who have strong ties to the ruling party.

Learn more about the foreign entities that attempt to encroach upon America through institutions and corporations like Dominion Voting Systems by reading the latest articles at

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