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Facebook trying to brownnose Biden by promoting COVID-19 vaccines

Facebook trying to brownnose Biden by promoting COVID-19 vaccines

Apparently hopeful that kissing up to the fictitious Biden administration will ward off a potential antitrust crackdown, Facebook has reportedly decided to start actively marketing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines to its roughly two billion users.

New prompts on the News Feed will reassure Facebook users that Chinese Virus jabs are completely safe and effective, even though there is no science whatsoever to back this. These same prompts will also encourage Facebook users to roll up their sleeves for injection once the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) grants Emergency Use Approval (EUA) to whatever offerings come out of Operation Warp Speed (OWS).

In a statement, Facebook revealed that its ultimate goal is not to protect users against the WuFlu, but rather to secure a “healing” process with Joe Biden and his policy team, many of whom are livid that most Facebook traffic these days seems to be conservatives and right-leaning media.

On Nov. 19, the top-performing link posts on Facebook in the United States included Dan Bongino, President Donald J. Trump, Fox News, Franklin Graham, and Breitbart News, all of which trigger leftists. Ben Shapiro is also a top performer on Facebook.

Since anything that is not far-left is now considered to be “misinformation,” Facebook’s plan is to up its censorship game against these pages and personalities, especially when they report COVID-19 “conspiracy theories.”

“The company will expand its efforts to combat misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic, and is considering publishing a banner advertisement at the top of users’ news feeds encouraging them to take a vaccine once it is approved,” an announcement explains.

The latest news about the already-over COVID-19 plandemic can be found at

It’s the logical thing to do

Since Mark Zuckerberg et al. already sold their souls to hell a long time ago, promoting Chinese Virus injections on Facebook is the logical next step. Users can now expect to be indoctrinated repeatedly every time they open up the app, bringing joy to the likes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.

Just to be sure that Biden and his cronies take notice of Facebook’s virtue signaling efforts, the social media platform will also be promoting the Paris Climate Accords and pushing climate change propaganda on its users.

When they are not being continually urged to accept their quantum dot tattoos in order to protect grandma from the “coof,” Facebook users will apparently also be bombarded with fake news about how cow farts are killing the planet, hence why we all need to eat Bill Gates’ “Impossible Meat” burgers for the rest of our lives.

Reports explain that “a range of new stickers, buttons and other functions” will soon be embedded into the Facebook platform that encourage users “to share content about the Paris climate agreement, which Mr. Biden has promised to re-join.”

To be clear, Biden claims that he will also repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) upon being installed into the White House. This would open up the door for not only Facebook but all other Big Tech platforms to be broken up through antitrust action.

Biden’s pick for head of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) “will decide whether to push for Facebook – which bought Instagram and WhatsApp in 2012 and 2014 respectively – to be broken up altogether.”

Part of Facebook’s strategy with this also involves elevating the status of Nick Clegg, a former deputy prime minister from the United Kingdom and top Facebook executive who is a close friend of Biden from back when Biden was vice president. However, Clegg is not expected to “save us,” a senior Facebook employee is quoted as saying, from being broken up.

Some suspect that what becomes of Facebook moving forward will largely depend on how much influence Elizabeth Warren and other “progressives” like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) have on the next administration.

Sources for this article include:

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