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Fraudulent Dominion voting machines tied to Obama’s ACORN scam

Fraudulent Dominion voting machines tied to Obama’s ACORN scam

We have learned that the fraudulent Dominion Voting Systems technology that was used to rig the 2020 election for Joe Biden has domestic connections to Indivisible, the Barack Obama political group formerly known as ACORN.

A 104-page legal complaint filed by attorney Sidney Powell on Thanksgiving eve contains a trove of revelations about Dominion showing that it is tied to both foreign and domestic enemies, including Obama’s left-wing community organizing program.

It is now undeniable that far-left Trump hater Eric Coomer developed a backdoor authentication function within Dominion that allows for easy hacking. Smartmatic serves as the backbone, while a company called Scytl controls the security function of the election system.

Edison Research is also involved in the scam, which facilitates backdoor access to American elections by hostile players such as Iran and China.

“By using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, these organizations neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data” within the system, reports explain.

It has been further revealed that a website scanning software known as ACUTENIX found vulnerabilities within election company websites that were exploited by foreign aggressor nations such as Iran to obtain access to U.S. voter rolls.

If you appreciate the work of Sidney Powell, by the way, you can help support it by visiting her website.

Barack Obama appears to be a kingpin behind election fraud

Belgrade and Serbia, both countries of which house Dominion employees, are also connected to Dominion, along with ACORN, evidence shows.

“A search of the network showed a subdomain which evidences the existence of scorecard software in use as part of the Indivisible (formerly ACORN) political group for Obama,” an investigation reveals.

ACORN, in case you are unfamiliar, stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. It was utilized back in 2004 to commit voter fraud in Miami-Dade County, Florida; Columbus, Ohio; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Denver, Colorado; St. Louis, Missouri; King County, Washington; and elsewhere.

“Because of scandals and videos that showed ACORN employees in the act of supporting illegal activities, Congress cut off any further tax-dollar support and ACORN subsequently changed its name,” reports

This same website reveals that Obama himself has been personally involved with ACORN “for years,” despite claiming to be a non-profit, non-partisan voter group. As it turns out, the only candidate that ACORN has ever endorsed is Obama.

The Obama campaign was also caught giving ACORN an $800,000 donation to help fund its supposedly non-partisan work, when the reality is that all of that money was used to help get Obama elected in 2004.

“Besides neighborhood activism and other activities, they (ACORN) have registered over 1 million new voters, virtually all of whom will vote for Barack Obama and other liberal candidates,” reported that year.

“Non-partisan they are not, and honest they are not.”

Now, 16 years later, ACORN — under its new name of Indivisible — is attempting the same thing to illegally install Biden into office. The difference this time is that the election thieves were caught.

“The more that this election fraud onion is peeled back, the more devilish characters that are revealed,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit. “To think, these people thought that they would get away with the most fraudulent voting scandal in U.S. history.”

Another wrote that the Democrats, along with their “globalist Marxist” allies, “threw everything including the kitchen sink at this election.”

“They are now so intertwined into the guts of our political system that it is do or die for President Trump and his legal time,” this same commenter added.

To keep up with the latest news about election fraud, be sure to check out

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