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POTUS Bans Taxpayer Money From Funding Anti-American ‘Critical Race Theory’

POTUS Bans Taxpayer Money From Funding Anti-American ‘Critical Race Th

President Trump has finally banned taxpayer money from being used to fund far-left anti-American “critical race theory” being taught by federal agencies.

The White House announced on Friday that it was cracking down on the extremist ideology that promotes racial division across America.

“This is a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue,” POTUS tweeted“Please report any sightings so we can quickly extinguish!”

Russell Vought, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, released a memo on the move, declaring that critical race theory is “divisive” and “anti-American propaganda.”

He warned that the leftist ideology promotes the dangerous notion that “there is racism embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity or the belief that the most qualified person should receive a job.”

“These types of ‘trainings’ not only run counter to the fundamental beliefs for which our Nation has stood since its inception, but they also engender division and resentment within the Federal workforce,” Vought declared.

“We can be proud that as an employer, the Federal government has employees of all races, ethnicities, and religions.”

“We can be proud that Americans from all over the country seek to join our workforce and dedicate themselves to public service,” Vought added.

“We can be proud of our continued efforts to welcome all individuals who seek to serve their fellow Americans as Federal employees.

“However, we cannot accept our employees receiving training that seeks to undercut our core values as Americans and drive division within our workforce.”

“The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions,” Vought said.

“Accordingly, to that end, the Office of Management and Budget will shortly issue more detailed guidance on implementing the President’s directive.”

“In the meantime, all agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on ‘critical race theory,’ ‘white privilege,’ or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil,” Vought continued.

“In addition, all agencies should begin to identify all available avenues within the law to cancel any such contracts and/or to divert Federal dollars away from these un-American propaganda training sessions.” reports: The move comes after Discovery Institute researcher Christopher Rufo told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that “critical race theory” had become the default ideology of the federal government.

Rufo pointed to several of his own findings, including that Sandia National Laboratories — which designs nuclear weapons — held a mandatory retreat titled, “White Men’s Caucus on Eliminating Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in Organizations.”

A training document obtained by Rufo listed a series of “examples of white male culture.” Those included “golf,” “quick decisions,” “self-confident,” “risk taking,” “brave,” and other attributes that the document notes were “generated by participants.”

In July, the federally-created National Museum for African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) faced a wave of backlash for publishing a graphic that linked things like the nuclear family and “decision-making” to whiteness. The museum later removed the graphic.

Rufo claims to have found instances of similar trainings across a long list of federal agencies, including the FBI.

Proponents of the training say it can help the government eliminate bias in areas such as the awarding of federal contracts. M.E. Hart, an attorney who has conducted diversity training sessions for businesses and the federal government, told The Washington Post that it also can improve morale, cooperation and efficiency.

“If we are going to live up to this nation’s promise — ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal’ — we have to see each other as human beings, and we have to do whatever it takes, including taking whatever classes make that possible,” Hart told the Post. “These classes have been very powerful in allowing people to do that, and we need them more than ever. There’s danger here.”

In his memo, Vought warned that the training “seeks to undercut our core values as Americans and drive division within our workforce.”

“The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions,” he said.

Vought told managers that OMB will soon be issuing more guidance, but in the meantime agencies are to identify all spending on such training, the avenues to cancel contracts and move money away from them.

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