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Attorney Sidney Powell drops more bombshells, says election software that rigged 2020 elections has been used for years to steal House

Attorney Sidney Powell drops more bombshells, says election software t

Sidney Powell, who left the Trump campaign legal team to pursue other avenues of massive electoral fraud she uncovered shortly after the November elections, continues to reveal stunning information garnered from her continued investigative work proving beyond any doubt that Americans have lost control over the only real power we had left as individuals: The power of choice at the ballot box.

In previous weeks, Powell revealed that software used by voting machine companies in the U.S. and abroad was developed and financed by some of our enemies, including Venezuela, Iran and China.

But in an interview with TBN’s Mike Huckabee on Saturday, Powell suggested that the software was actually a CIA-developed election theft tool that may have been exported to other countries and then, ultimately, deployed against American elections.

“The system right now is corrupt. The Dominion machines cannot be relied on at all. And we want everyone — Republicans, the candidates, everyone — to stand up and speak up about the fraud that happened in Georgia and find a way to vote in time that allows people to know that their vote is being counted the way they voted it,” she began, clearing up a previously reported claim that she didn’t want Republican voters to show up to cast ballots for the state’s two GOP senators in run-off elections next month.

“Because right now, the system is just as rigged as it was four weeks ago,” she added. “We can’t trust it. And there has to be a way to get it right so that everyone who votes — and we encourage everyone to vote — knows their vote is real and being counted, and not…otherwise rigged.”

“You can’t repeat the same procedure and expect a different result.”

“It’s extremely unsettling to know that American elections have been just as rigged as elections in third-world countries have been,” she said later, in reference to the massive theft that occurred for Joe Biden in several swing states last month.

“I’m sure the CIA has been involved in any number of those activities, if not here then in other places around the world,” she continued. “It may have been the CIA that created this software and programs to begin with and then exported it for their own use, only to have it come back to us.

“It could be that very important, powerful, extremely wealthy people were involved in rigging this election. It’s globalist interests. I mean, frankly, everyone in the world except the millions of Americans that wanted to elect Donald Trump to clean up the swamp and drain the swamp,” she said.

Voters who chose to reelect our real president didn’t want “this world to continue the way it was, with them having all the power and working behind the scenes to rig elections and everything else so that they could profit from their own nefarious activities,” Powell went on.

“I mean it’s massive. I’m sure the media companies are involved in it, too,” she said, noting that on election night it appeared that a coordinated effort was underway to stop reporting on returns and for swing states to stop counting ballots at nearly the same time.

“This isn’t the first time it’s happened, Mike. We don’t even know how many elections have been rigged by virtue of the software,” she noted further, setting viewers up for another massive bombshell.

“There’s no telling how many congressional and Senate seats and even governorships we’ve lost…because of this” fraud. “They’ve been telling us the country has been trending blue. It has not. That is an abject lie. And we’ve collected the data that’s gonna show that, among many other things,” she said.

Stay current on Trump’s ongoing efforts to root out election fraud corruption at

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