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Sickening experiments using baby body parts only confirm the humanity of unborn children

Sickening experiments using baby body parts only confirm the humanity

(Paranormal) It has been five years since David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress broke the story that body parts retrieved from aborted babies were being used for medical research in a modern-day feticidal Frankenstein story. Abortionists, it was revealed, were amending surgical procedures to ensure that some body parts weren’t crushed so that they would still be usable by researchers. StemExpress overnighted baby body parts by FedEx from Planned Parenthood to keep them fresh. Each news cycle spawned new horrors.

(Article by Jonathon Van Maren republished from

David Daleiden and the heroic undercover journalists who spent years working to expose these hidden brutalities are still bogged down in a snarl of court battles with the abortion industry, but new revelations that confirm their exposés continue to emerge. Chemistry expert Dr. Stacy Trasancos, for example, recently released an investigation into laboratory practices at the University of Pittsburgh where the body parts of aborted babies killed in the second trimester are used for experiments.

According to Trasancos, the experiments utilizing aborted baby parts include grafting the scalps of aborted babies onto mice to create “humanized mice.” Once this was completed, the impact of the fusion of baby hair on the immunity of the mice to various pathogens was then recorded by researchers. Photographs show little tufts of child’s hair sprouting from the side of rodents where researchers have replanted it after slicing it from the skulls of children killed in their mothers’ wombs.

According to Dr. Transancos, the University of Pittsburgh’s study utilized a number of aborted babies between 18 and 20 weeks, supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to examine “full-thickness human skin” on the humanized mice and rats:

Full-thickness human skin from fetuses was grafted onto rodents while simultaneously co-engrafting the same fetus’s lymphoid tissues and hematopoietic stem cells from the liver, so that the rodent models were humanized with organs and skin from the same child. The human skin was taken from the scalp and the back of the fetuses so that grafts with and without hair could be compared in the rodent model. Excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin was cut away, and then the fetal skin was grafted over the rib cage of the rodent, where its own skin had been removed. Human hair was evident by 12 weeks but only in the grafts taken from the fetal scalps. In the scalp grafts, fine human hair can be seen growing long and dark surrounded by the short white hairs of the mouse. The images literally show a patch of baby hair growing on a mouse’s back.

It isn’t just the University of Pittsburgh, either. The University of California-San Francisco used the corpses of 249 second-trimester children for research, removing their livers for various tests. Yale University utilized fifteen dead second-trimester babies for dissection, using their bone marrow, spleens, and livers for research into immune levels. At UCSF, the reproductive tracts and fetal intestines were actually removed from aborted babies and transplanted into rats. The University of Pittsburgh’s baby scalping isn’t a one-off atrocity. It is common practice.

It is also the inevitable consequence of the pro-choice worldview. Children in the womb are not human enough to qualify for protection under the law, but are human enough to have their corpses pillaged for medical research. Those of us who understand that these are children being killed and that this is child’s hair sprouting from rats–soft, delicate, and grotesquely misplaced—are sickened by all this. But those who deny, in the face of all evidence, that these children are human have no solid grounds to object to these experiments besides the shrieking of their own consciences. Why throw out a perfectly good body when we could recycle it?

The very crimes we commit against these tiny people confirms their humanity, because if they were not human, they would not be useful for human research. These experiments confirm their humanity—and that we are losing ours.

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