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Democrat Andrew Yang wants to barcode you like a Nazi concentration camp prisoner, forcing you to prove you’ve been vaccinated

Democrat Andrew Yang wants to barcode you like a Nazi concentration ca

(Paranormal) Failed presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced on Twitter the other day that he thinks all Americans need to be assigned unique “barcodes” showing that they have been vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The Taiwanese businessman says that instead of giving people paper vaccination cards as proof of compliance, the government should issue a digital mark to each person that “they can download to their phone.” Marking everyone in this manner “would make it easier to safely congregate,” Yang argues.

Known for aggressively pushing a communist plan of universal basic income, Yang is attempting to pull a page straight from the playbook of communist China, which already marks its citizens with “social credit” scores that determine whether or not they are allowed to travel.

Yang likes this idea because he thinks it will be the easiest and most efficient way for things to get back to “normal.” Without “either mass adoption of the vaccine or a means of signaling,” Yang contends, it will be “[t]ough to have mass gatherings like concerts or ballgames” ever again.

“I’ve been tested at a photo shoot or interview and gotten a bracelet showing I was negative,” Yang added in a tweet. “Then we could interact more freely.”

Andrew Yang and communist Chinese president Xi Jinping both want the same thing for humanity: total enslavement

Such a scenario would be a dream come true for communist China, the president of which recently announced that he would like to see the entire world chipped and tracked with a QR code system just like the one Yang is now promoting.

“We need to further harmonize policies and standards and establish ‘fast tracks’ to facilitate the orderly flow of people,” Xi announced at the recent G20 meeting in Italy.

Conservative podcaster Stephen Miller, responding to Yang’s tweets, compared his ideas to those implemented in Germany during Nazi rule when Jews and others were forced to wear yellow stars of Remphan as public identification.

“Might want to rethink this one before running for mayor of the city with the largest concentration of Jewish population in the country,” Miller wrote, referring to reports that Yang may soon run for mayor of New York City.

“This is Nazi talk Andrew,” added director Robby Starbuck in his own separate tweet. “How about yellow star attached to our shirts?”

Another claiming to be a Jew actually took offense to the comparison, stating that it is “insulting that people are comparing a QR code that shows whether you can transmit a deadly disease to the Nazis marking my ancestors for slaughter, but whatever.” This person obviously believes the plandemic is real, bless his or her heart.

Others, echoing what this writer has repeatedly warned you, my dear readers, about time and time again, noted that marking people with QR codes or anything else is an idea straight from the Book of Revelation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is already planning to send out “vaccine kits” with “immunity cards” showing proof of vaccination. Yang, who lies about himself on Wikipedia, says people can “take a pic” of said vaccine cards “to show getting into events.”

Anit Mukherjee from the Center of Global Development says such cards “are almost a certainty for a return to normal,” adding that there will be “gatekeepers” at workplaces, stadiums, and other places where people go to “require some form of assurance that you have been vaccinated.”

More related news about how the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is being used to usher in the Mark of the Beast, the “Global Reset,” and ultimately a New World Order, be sure to check out

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