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Fauci the fraud pretends to have soreness in right arm after getting “vaccinated” in left arm

Fauci the fraud pretends to have soreness in right arm after getting “

(Paranormal) After having a fake Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine supposedly injected into his left arm during a recent publicity stunt, Anthony Fauci appeared on CBSN to whine about how he was feeling a little bit of pain in his right arm because of the jab – oops!

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The play-pretend “doctor,” encouraging Americans to follow his lead, apparently forgot which arm received the fake needle in his rush to explain that pain at the injection site is perfectly “normal” and something that everyone should expect.

“It felt a little bit achy but nothing to be bothering or distracting me,” Fauci told the fake news hosts before mistakenly pointing to this right arm.

“I went to bed last night and had a good night’s sleep, woke up this morning and the only thing I have is just a little bit of a soreness in the arm, otherwise I’m doing really well,” the fake doctor added.

Though some have tried to claim that Fauci’s video may have been flipped due to a front-facing camera, meaning he was actually pointing to his left arm, it is obvious from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) writing in the background of the footage that this was not the case.

“This guy can’t lie enough,” wrote one Twitter user about how the only thing Fauci knows how to do is lie before lying some more.

“When you lie, it takes a lot of memory to remember what you said and did,” wrote another.

To keep up with the latest ridiculous fake news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out

Fauci says “darkest days” of COVID-19 are coming

Meanwhile, Fauci is appearing on other fake news outlets to warn Americans that Joe Biden is right: The darkest days of the China virus are soon to come.

Speaking to CNN on Sunday, Fauci warned that he and his “colleagues in public health are concerned” that there will be another “surge” in new WuFlu “cases” due to people gathering with others for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.

“I have described it as a surge upon a surge because if you look at the slope, the incline of cases that we have experienced as we have gone into the late fall and soon-to-be early winter, it is really quite troubling,” Fauci blabbed, pretending to be referencing science and numbers and stuff.

“We are really at a very critical point … so I share the concern of ‘president-elect’ Biden that as we get into the next few weeks, it might actually get worse.”

Fake news giant CNN, with Fauci’s blessing, is reporting that 63,000 Americans died just in December so far due to the Chinese virus. Fauci and CNN are both upset that more than one million people were screened for COVID-19 at airports on Saturday, despite continued threats that they should not travel to visit loved ones under any circumstances.

Biden, during a recent speech, told people who actually listen to him that the worst days of the “pandemic” are yet ahead. Once installed into the White House, Biden plans to continue fearmongering, with Fauci’s help, of course, about the novel virus.

“As frustrating as it is to hear, it’s going to take patience, persistence, and determination to beat this virus,” Biden insists. “There will be no time to waste in taking the steps we need to turn this crisis around.”

Fauci, meanwhile, is urging President Donald Trump to get vaccinated right away since he supposedly already did, as did Biden, we are told.

“My recommendation, and I’ve said this before, is that I would get him vaccinated,” Fauci told CNN about Trump. “He is still the president of the United States. A critical person.”

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