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Homemade Juice That Kills Cancer Cells Without Chemotherapy

The following is a simple juice recipe that will help you fight cancer cells, without the need of chemotherapy. Everything that you need is several fresh and organic ingredients, which combined create a powerful mixture that protect the body from all abnormal cell growths.

Carrots are rich in carotenoids, which are natural antioxidants and immune modulators that protect our cells from the damage that is part of the physiology of both aging and cancer.

Diet low in carotenoids over the long term, has been associated with higher risk of some cancer types
The effects of the antioxidants is to protect the cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are rogue single electrons that damage the DNA. If the body can’t repair the damage, abnormal cell growth begins to develop.

Homemade Juice That Kills Cancer Cells Without Chemotherapy

Chemo Will Be Unnecessary If You Drink This Homemade Juice that Destroys Cancer Cells Very Effectively!

Carotenoids and vitamin A improve the function of the white blood cells called Natural Killer Cells (NK-cells), which helps the immune system to recognize and fight infections and cancer.
Since 1940’s, the benefits of beta-carotene as a precursor of vitamin A has been known to inhibit the growth of cancer. Today, there are over 200 studies showing positive effects for beta-carotene in the fight against cancer.

A 1970’s study, which started in Switzerland and lasted 12 years concluded that men with a lower levels of carotenoids in the blood had a higher cancer mortality rate. Beta-carotene is known to have strong protective effects on epithelial tissues such as the throat, lungs, intestines, bladder, and colon.

The University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in 1989 linked high beta-carotene intake with lowered cervical cancer rates.

In a British study, 5004 women had samples of blood frozen. Over a number of years, their health was monitored by St Barts. In the study, beta-carotene levels were almost 50 percent higher in women without cancer, compared with the women who developed breast cancer.

In another study, patients with colon cancer received 30 milligrams beta-carotene daily, after two weeks, 44 percent of patients had cancer growth inhibition after just two weeks.

After clinical trials on prostate, breast, cervical, melanoma, and cervical cancer, the US Prostate Cancer Research Institute concluded there was enough reason to supplement with beta-carotene.
On the other hand, parsley has the ability, to strengthen the immune system, eliminates toxins, and protect from the damaging effects of free radicals. Parsley has been shown to have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Parsley contains some very useful flavonoid components, which can provide some effective and protective benefits. These flavonoid components are apigenin, myricetin, eugenol, limonene, and alpha-thujone.

Apigenin and myricetin have been shown to inhibit tumor formation in animal studies, especially lung tumors. Flavonoids are one of the reasons parsley qualifies as a chemoprotective food. Parsley can neutralize some carcinogens, such as benzopyrenes.

Flavonoids are one of the reasons parsley qualifies as a chemoprotective food. Parsley can neutralize some carcinogens, such as benzopyrenes.

Also, parsley is rich in imperatorin and isopimpinellin, which have been shown to have chemoprotective effects on the liver, lungs, and breast cells.

Regularly drinking of this juice destroys cancer cells and regenerates the whole body without the use of any chemical agents. As a preventive drink it once a day. For those suffering from cancer, drink it at least 4 to 5 months 3 times a day.

One serving size


– Five carrots
– A half bunch of parsley
– One lemon
– A half orange


Juice the ingredients in a juicing machine. This amount is enough only for one serving, and you should consume three servings daily. Always consume freshly prepared juice.

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