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The second sham impeachment trial against Trump has begun and Democrats have already beclowned themselves with fake allegations

The second sham impeachment trial against Trump has begun and Democrat

Democrats often tout their allegiance to our nation’s founding document, the U.S. Constitution, but in fact, they dump on it regularly and hold it up only when it suits their political objectives, all of which pretty much amount to amassing more power.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from

Last summer, as Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs burned cities, destroyed businesses, beat police officers and killed Americans, Democrats didn’t see ‘riots’ or ‘insurrection,’ they saw demonstrations of the First Amendment’s freedom of speech, assembly and expression provisions.

But when conservatives gathered to oppose the violence or speak out about it, Democrats saw ‘racism,’ ‘bigotry,’ and ‘authoritarianism.’

Now, as they launch the second sham impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump, Democrats see it as their ‘constitutional duty and obligation’ to hold him ‘responsible’ for the same kind of behavior his supporters engaged in (rioting) that BLM and Antifa engaged in most of last year — even though there is nothing in the Constitution giving Congress the power to try a former president who has already left office.

But it’s worse than that, even: Democrats aren’t just engaging in an unconstitutional act, they are flat-out lying about their ‘case.’ And Trump’s legal team knows it.

Per Trending Politics

Just one day before another sham impeachment trial, President Trump’s legal team has methodically laid out their case in a blistering new memorandum.

The memorandum makes the case for Trump’s innocence in detailed and methodical fashion. At one point in the letter, Trump’s lawyers say that the Democrats are leaving out a “chilling fact” about that fateful day.

On page 7 of the memorandum, the Trump legal team confirms that law enforcement received reports of a potential attack on the Capitol well before Trump’s January 6th speech…throwing out the possibility of a sudden “incitement” by the 45th President’s speech.

“Despite going to great lengths to include irrelevant information regarding Mr. Trump’s comments dating back to August 2020 and various postings on social media, the House Managers are silent on one very chilling fact. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed that the breach at the Capitol was planned several days in advance of the rally, and therefore had nothing to do with the President’s speech on January 6th at the Ellipse,” the Trump legal team noted.

“According to investigative reports all released after January 6, 2021, ‘the Capitol Police, the NYPD and the FBI all had prior warning there was going to be an attack on the Capitol,’” the Trump team continued. 

“Embarrassingly enough, even members of the Democratic leadership themselves have admitted on the record, albeit subsequent to January 6, 2021, that they believed the riots were pre-planned, with some, including Representative James C. Clyburn, the House Democratic Whip, going so far as to accuse fellow House Members of coordinating and planning the attack in advance as co-conspirators,” the team added.

“Either the President incited the riots, like the Article claims, or the riots were pre-planned by a small group of criminals who deserve punishment to the fullest extent of the law,” the team noted further.

In fact, federal investigators are certain that the assault was planned — months in advance, in fact.

“Days before former President Trump’s impeachment trial begins, newly filed federal charges against anti-government activists offer fresh, compelling evidence that the accused perpetrators of the Capitol riots pre-planned their attack days and weeks in advance and in plain sight of an FBI that vowed to be vigilant to extremist threats,” Just the News reported on Monday, citing a dozen FBI affidavits laying out the evidence.

The new information adds to a “growing body of evidence” that the attack was most definitely planned in advance, which of course puts the lie to the Democrats’ (and RINOs’) insistence that Trump ‘incited’ the ‘insurrection’ that took place Jan. 6.

No one who is sane believes that.

See more reporting like this at

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