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Pelosi attempted a military coup against Trump while falsely blaming him for leading an “insurrection”

Pelosi attempted a military coup against Trump while falsely blaming h

(Paranormal) In the age of President Donald Trump, nothing is as it seems as one norm, one system, after another has been torn asunder by his political enemies in their never-ending, maniacal effort to depose him.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from

And every step of the way, the garbage ‘establishment media’ has been in on those efforts.

In recent days, several hundred of the president’s supporters broke away from the main group that had gathered to hear him speak Jan. 6, the day Congress was to meet in joint session to certify electoral ballots for Joe Biden in a stolen election. Frustrated and angry that too few lawmakers were at least willing to stand up and object to slates of electors in states that unconstitutionally changed their voting rules ahead of Nov. 3, those Trump supporters fought past barricades and Capitol Police officers and broke into the U.S. Capitol Building.

Was it wrong? Sure it was — but only to people who aren’t supporters of President Trump, the same ones who believe that Antifa and BLM rioting all last summer, to include attacks against police stations and the siege of a federal courthouse in Portland, were perfectly fine and were simply ‘mostly peaceful demonstrations against racial injustice.’

After the assault on the Capitol, Democrats and their media sycophants all claimed that Trump “incited an insurrection” when it fact, he never asked or ordered his supporters to storm the building. In fact, he said just the opposite:  

We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country.

Meanwhile, it was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) who actually went behind the president’s back in an attempt to stage a military coup against him, in an unprecedented manner, by trying to remove the commander-in-chief from the chain of command.

RedState notes

Those on the left have been accusing President Donald Trump of fomenting an insurrection because of the Capitol protest. But Trump never called for violence or a riot.

But these are the same people who for four years tried to take out and undermine the duly elected president of the United States through a false Russia Collusion hoax story…

The New York Times ran a story today about the actions of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi behind the scenes against the president. Talk about “insurrection,” she was essentially fomenting a coup, and fomenting the military against the president, trying to remove him from the chain of command.

“In a phone call to the chairman [of the Joint Chiefs of Staff], [U.S. Army] Gen. Mark A. Milley, Ms. Pelosi appeared to be seeking to have the Pentagon leadership essentially remove Mr. Trump from his authorities as the commander in chief. That could be accomplished by ignoring the president’s orders or slowing them by questioning whether they were issued legally,” the Times reported.

“But General Milley appears to have made no commitments. Short of the cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment or removing Mr. Trump through impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate, it is unconstitutional to defy legal orders from the commander in chief,” the Times reported.

Straight up, it is Nancy Pelosi who is the insurrectionist, along with her Marxist Democrat Party and the enabling sycophantic media lying to their readers and viewers about what President Trump did and did not do.

If there are Americans who still believe Democrats are the ‘party of unity’ or that President Trump, not them, is the real threat to the Constitution and our republic, then reread what the Times reported and let it sink in real good.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to stage a military coup against President Trump, and she’s going to get away with it.

See more reporting like this at

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