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Gov. Tim Walz, Ilhan Omar’s Daughters Caught Sending Intel to Rioters, Mayor de Blasio’s Daughter Arrested at Riot

Gov. Tim Walz, Ilhan Omar’s Daughters Caught Sending Intel

We knew from recent violent incidents that it’s highly likely the groups behind the riots are domestic terrorists, revolutionary communists, US based radical Islamist organizations and others related to the Democrat Party.  Now we have more evidence this is the case.

New York City’s Marxist Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter was arrested at a Manhattan protest hotspot on Saturday night, as Mayor de Blasio admits organized and violent agitators from out of the city have infiltrated the protests.

Chiara de Blasio had allegedly been blocking traffic at a protest hotspot on Broadway where police cars were getting burned and was arrested after refusing to move, the source said.

That was a real hotspot, police cars were getting burned there, people were throwing and yelling, fighting with cops. There were thousands of people in that area at that time,” the source said.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter Chiara de Blasio

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter Chiara de Blasio was arrested on Saturday night.

NYPost report: Chiara de Blasio, 25, was taken into custody around 10:30 p.m. Saturday after police declared an unlawful assembly at 12th Street and Broadway in Lower Manhattan, sources said.

We appreciate and respect all peaceful protests, but now it is time for people to go home,” de Blasio said at a press conference at 11:30 p.m. at the NYC Emergency Management headquarters in Downtown Brooklyn.

On Sundaythe mayor declared that anarchist agitators with an “explicit agenda of violence” have co-opted police-brutality protests for destruction.

It is a small number of people. It is well organized, even though many of the people are associated with the anarchist movement,” de Blasio said in a City Hall press briefing of the outside opportunists he blamed for the now-nationwide demonstrations devolving into chaos.

Some come from outside of the cities. Some are from inside the city. Some are from the neighborhoods where the protests take place. Some are not,” he continued, without detailing where the interlopers were from.

Governor Tim Walz and Hope Walz (top), Rep. Ilhan Omar and Isra Hirsi

Governor Tim Walz and Hope Walz (top), Rep. Ilhan Omar and Isra Hirsi (bottom)

Meanwhile, Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter Isra Hirsi was caught retweeting a list of supplies for “comrades” who are rioting in Minneapolis.

Isra Hirsi is the co-founder of US Youth Climate Strike and her Twitter bio says she ‘hates capitalism.

Similar tweets supporting the rioters were being sent by Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz’s daughter – Hope Walz. She deleted her account after she was caught sending intel to rioters.

Gov. Tim Walz, Ilhan Omar’s Daughters Caught Sending Intel

Of course Democrats, domestic terrorists, communists, anarchists and radical Islamists are behind the riots, violence and destruction around the US.  They just don’t like America!


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