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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Birželio » 26
Braškės, konsentratas, desertas, virtuvė
26.06.2020, 18:48
Braškių ir citrinų sulčių koncentratas. Keptos braškės
Šiaip tai tuos braškių kubelius su citrinų sultymis šaldžiau žiemai, bet per tuos karščius nespėju šaldyti, nes namiškiai nuo šaldiklio nesitraukia...
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Česnakų Žiedkočių Užtepėlė Su Lašiniais
26.06.2020, 18:37
Česnakų žiedkočių užtepėlė su lašiniais
Šitaip žiemojimui paruošti žiedkočiai žiemos sulaukia labai retai... Pabandykit ir patys tuo įsitikinsit. Gaminčiau dar kartą.
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Šaltai Rūkytos Skumbrės Mišrainė Su Rudaisiais Ryžiais
26.06.2020, 12:25
Šaltai rūkytos skumbrės mišrainė su rudaisiais ryžiais

Ryžius išvirti ir atvėsinti. Žuvį iškaulinti ir susmulkinti. Agurką ir svogūną pasmulkinti kubeliais, sumaišyti su žuvimi, ryžiais ir kukurūzai, pagardinti majonezu ir garstyčiomis, jai reikia ir druska.

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Skaniausi Varškiniai Rageliai
26.06.2020, 07:25
Skaniausi varškiniai rageliai

Mano vaikui labai patiko šie varškiniai rageliai. Jis ėmė vieną po kito, gal galiausiai jie baigėsi ir tada pareiškė "Mama, eik kepk dar, jau dabar". :D

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Senators want the public to see the government's UFO reports
26.06.2020, 07:17
Senators want the public to see the government's UFO reports
The Senate Intelligence Committee has voted to require U.S. intelligence agencies and the Defense Department to compile a detailed public analysis of all data collected on "unidentified aerial phenomenon," including intrusions recorded by Navy pilots in recent years.
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Baltimore And Ohio Railroad Republic Ghost Train
26.06.2020, 07:25
Baltimore And Ohio Railroad Republic Ghost Train
Along the old Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, in and around the small town of Republic, is the site of one of Ohio’s first documented hauntings. A ghost train repeatedly travels its ill-fated route, and the guardian spirit warns too late of a fatal disaster that occurred more than a century ago.
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An Apocalyptic Event May Occur In The Next 10 Years
26.06.2020, 07:05
An Apocalyptic Event May Occur In The Next 10 Years
Researchers at Deutsche Bank are convinced that there is too much risk that one of four possible disasters will happen in the next ten years. It can be an incredible force a solar storm, a volcanic eruption, a pandemic, or a world war.
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A Real Vampire? The Girl Drank Human Blood And Claims To Be 600 Years
26.06.2020, 07:17
A Real Vampire? The Girl Drank Human Blood And Claims To Be 600 Years Old
Lilith Vampire is confident that she is already 600 years old. She tries not to appear in the sunlight and used to drink human blood.
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The Modern T-Rex Of Murray
26.06.2020, 00:48
The Modern T-Rex Of Murray
Papua New Guinea is no stranger to mysterious creatures of legend. And yet somehow the thought of this next monster seems incredible even by the standards of a field that tells of a massive bipedal ape-like man and the Mothman who not only is humanoid and flies, but actually predicts (or causes) disasters in the wake of his appearance.
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Bizarre Tale Of Stranger In The Church
26.06.2020, 07:05
Bizarre Tale Of Stranger In The Church

Now this story happened long before there were cars, or highways, or motels. Back in the old days, folks would travel or haul things by wagon, riding miles down long dirt roads to get from one place to another.

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