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Herschel Walker: China Is Funding Democrats via Black Lives Matter

Herschel Walker: China Is Funding Democrats via Black Lives Matter

Former NFL star Herschel Walker has accused Democrats of being indirectly funded by the Communist Party of China via money funnelled through Black Lives Matter.

On Monday, Walker released a video on Twitter claiming that China is funding BLM which is then donating that money to the Democratic Party.

In the caption of his tweet Walker wrote that the 2020 presidential election is the most important in U.S. history.

“I just saw the Democratic Party raise a lot of money and a lot of it came from ActBlue,” Walker says in the video.

Walker then asks, “Why does no one seem to care about the elephant in the room?”

WATCH: reports: Walker then notes that Black Lives Matter – which was founded by people “trained from Marxists – “gave a lot of money to ActBlue.” 

“I reckon you can support whatever party you want to support. If the Democratic Party wants to be associated with Marxists, that’s fine,” Walker says. 

“But then I also saw that BLM had a subsidiary company that was partnered with a company from China that was giving them money. So, the money goes from China, to the subsidiary, to BLM, to the Democratic Party,” Walker says, adding: “Why does it seem like I’m the only that’s coming up with this? Just think about it.” 

ActBlue is an online payment processor used by many groups affiliated with the Democratic Party. WinRed, launched last year, is an equivalent processing company for the Republican Party.

It wasn’t immediately clear what BLM “subsidiary” Walker was referring to. But his comments come less than a week after an article from The Daily Signal, the blog of the Heritage Foundation, titled: “The BLM Co-Founder and Pro-Communist China Group Are Partnering Up. Here’s Why.” 

The piece purported to show a link between an organization started by BLM co-founder Alicia Garza, and a non-profit with ties to Beijing. A day later, The New York Times reported that the article conflated two nonprofits with the same name and made incorrect claims about BLM’s ties to the Chinese government.

Walker’s comments come after the former NFL player told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” that Black Lives Matter supporters should do their research on what exactly they’re promoting.

Walker said he felt “so guilty” after hearing the BLM co-founders call themselves “trained Marxists” in an exclusive interview with Maria Bartiromo , and was compelled to tell the American people the truth. Both co-founders, Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza, have referred to themselves as such.

“All you athletes out there, all you companies, all you professional teams that’s promoting BLM. Are you telling me that you’re promoting someone that said that they’re trained Marxists?” he asked.

“I’m a guy who believes in the Lord Jesus. I believe in my family. And I love America,” he added. “So I’m going to fight for it. I’m going to do what I can to tell the people the truth.”

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