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Hospitals are beginning to blame serious vaccine injuries on the deceased patient’s immune system

Hospitals are beginning to blame serious vaccine injuries on the decea

An industry that is above the law, indemnified from legal responsibilities, wields absolute power over the people’s lives and is capable of blaming its products’ defects on the victims that they harm. The media is now rife with stories of coronavirus vaccine injury, but these injuries are being blamed on the immune system of the recipient, not on the faulty science of the vaccines.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

Jane Roberts of the Daily Memphian reports on the sudden death of a young orthopedic surgeon at the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. According to the report, Dr. J. Barton Williams (36) passed away not long after receiving the covid-19 vaccine. The previously healthy surgeon began to experience multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS) after vaccination. MIS is one of the twenty-six adverse events that the FDA initially warned about when the covid-19 vaccines were rushed through clinical trials and approved for emergency use. MIS is an autoimmune reaction that involves life-threatening inflammation of the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes or gastrointestinal organs and can lead to death.

Hospital conspires to rule out COVID vaccine as the cause of young surgeon’s death

Instead of investigating the role that the vaccine caused in the doctor’s death, his former colleagues are trying to rule out any link to the vaccine. “We want to be sure there is no indication that there is any relationship to the vaccine at this point,” said Baptist infectious disease expert Dr. Stephen Threlkeld, in an official statement. Baptist physicians admitted they are working with the CDC to eliminate any notion that the man’s death was related to the vaccine.

The infectious disease experts are trying to blame the doctor’s immune system for the death and are making the absurd claim that a previous COVID infection was the culprit behind his death, despite the hospital never recovering the virus from him. The deceased Dr. Williams had never tested positive for covid-19 and was even vaccinated to ensure that the virus would never affect him. The hospital is trying to declare that the doctor’s death was the first case of someone who “died of a delayed immune response to COVID and had received the vaccine.”

In actuality, this is the latest incidence of MEDICAL FRAUD where medical professionals are conspiring to coverup a vaccine injury by blaming COVID for the death of the man who was vaccinated for COVID and showed no positive test for COVID. The hospital’s baseless theory hinges on the results of an antibody test they administered after the doctor’s death. Because the doctor had antibodies to coronavirus infection, his death can suddenly be blamed on a presumed infection that occurred months ago. The medical authorities are blaming the deceased doctor’s immune system, right after the covid-19 experimental technology failed his body.

Medical establishment covering for the vaccine industry by blaming the victims of vaccine injury

Dr. Scott Strome, executive dean of the College of Medicine at University of Tennessee Health Science Center, is blaming the deceased doctor’s sudden onset of MIS as an immunological response to a previous COVID infection, not a reaction to the vaccine. Dr. Threlkeld went along with the theory, dismissing the deceased doctor’s multiple negative COVID tests and pretending COVID was behind it all. Dr. Threlkeld believes the patient could have had a COVID infection long ago, an infection that could have caused systemic inflammation and death long after the man recovered from the infection.

Dr. Strome postulates that the patient’s immune system did not turn itself off. “It [the immune system] has to know when it’s done,” he asserted. “If it doesn’t have that, you get an autoimmune situation. Whatever the reason, the body still thinks it has a threat and doesn’t turn itself off. Then you get this systematic inflammation.”

With the man’s cause of death outstanding, and with autopsy results still pending, Dr. Threlkeld, said, “This is not a reason to not get the vaccine. This is a reason to get the vaccine. Only people who have had COVID-19 have developed this life-threatening process.”

It is now apparent that the medical establishment is trying to set new deceitful precedent to cover for the vaccine industry and protect the doctors who administer them by blaming all complications and deaths post vaccination on the victim’s own body.

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